
AdApT to it

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THIS ! this is my most wanted thing in WT for years, i wish it above anything else… the fact that this “auto” thing choses the Brown camo for my leo2s above the GE bought Desert camo on Desert maps is just crap… suggestions have been made about this and i dont know if they were passed to devs…

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Is it just me or were AAA buffed? I swear, they used to do nothing more than MAYBE yellow some components but now the AAA around regular bases has shot me down twice today

Direct hits, compared to previous proximity fuse i guess

Just spawn a tank to kill the spaa lmao.

Good luck spawning a tank in Air battles lmao

Bro. The Strela is 9.3, a whole .4 lower BR. It also has optical contrast with better missiles

On top of that, youre argument is null. The LAVAD is 10.0 and only has Stinger Ks with 10gs, and no optical contrast.

The Strela should be 9.7 min. The Chapparell is also 9.3, and no radar. No contrast, and worse missiles. You have to be kidding me with the victimization here