Unfair F-18C Implementation - Why Must the Finnish Hornet Be Inferior?

The Ayit is cracked.

Useful for ground with Pantsir and Otomatic. Both use K-Band and considering both F-18C and the US model.are 12.7 in ground its useful to know if something is coming.

Pantsir and Otomatic have IR tracking, and the F-18 in CAP mode would be near the ground and going fast, no where near the SPAA. Knowing if something is launched on you doesn’t matter when you’re not going to be within range anyway.

I was in my F-4F ICE and yeah there were apparently 3 Pantsirs up, but I didn’t know outside the killfeed cause it didn’t matter. I was hunting CAS.

Still better to have it and not need it. Additionally considering i dont believe the MLU 2 will have the ability to detect K Band for CAS it will leave it quite vulnerable unless you are turning around immediately after spawning. (This is assuming they only get their historical CAS munitions after A2G was restored. Unsure if its the same as the US computers ill need to double check.)

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