I think they were inherited but not ever used due to being obsolete. Like the other heli’s though 🤙 might hit you up on it as I get through my projects in the post above ^
In my research of armored vehicles of Ukraine I found several options for modernization of T-64BV mod.2017
Mainly the modernization includes a new thermal imaging sight TPN1-TPV (generation 3), made in the case of the old sight TPN-1-49-23, night instruments of the commander and driver mechanic, navigation equipment using GPS, digital radio station “Lybid K-2RB” based on “Motorola”, replacement of elements of the ERA with new ones of “Nizh” type and a number of other minor changes.
Known variants that differ visually.
T-64BV rev. 2017 (SETC 2017) - several vehicles of incomplete modernization variant. Externally, it differs from the T-64BV only by the GPS antenna behind the commander’s hatch.
T-64BV rev. 2017 (Kharkiv, serial) - differs by the installation of a GPS antenna behind the commander’s hatch, with a single ERA container installed on the right end of the left turret block.
T-64BV rev. 2017 (Lviv, serial) - differs by the installation of GPS antenna on the radio antenna mast, two ERA containers are installed on the right end of the left turret block.
T-64BV rev. 2017 (Kharkiv and Lviv, exhibition) - additionally installed aft ladders, spare track mounts moved to the forward part of the over-track shelves, LED tail lights are used.
Images of the vehicle during a media interview. Both military personnel and civilian media members have been blurred out to meet forum requirements. Images used due to lack of photography of the BMP-1LB w/ the BM-7 Parus combat module.
A view inside the crew compartment from the exit hatch.
The original 14.5mm KPVT remote weapon station with a 2-channel thermal camera installed on the vehicles.
BM-7 Parus Combat Module:
30mm ZTM-1 autocannon.
KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun.
30mm KBA-117 automatic grenade launcher.
2x RK-2S or RK-2OF anti-tank/HE guided missiles.
3rd-generation OEP-VN thermal camera/sight for the Gunner.
Panorama-2P independent passive-IR camera/sight for the Commander.
Laser Rangefinder.
Track-M Fire Control System.
Full weapon stabilization system.
12x 81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers.
6x installed on the combat module, 6x others installed on the top-rear of the hull near the rear exit.
240hp YaMZ-238B Diesel Engine:
Max Speed: ~50km/h
There have been sources stating that the 300hp UTD-20 V6 diesel engine and a new transmission has been a late-modernization to correct the issues of the power-train. Further analysis is required.
Addon Armor:
7.62mm AP all-around protection.
12.7mm AP frontal protection.
The BMP-1LB is an infantry fighting vehicle that was developed on the chassis of a MT-LBu, that is in production in Ukraine. The typical vehicle is equipped with an unmanned 14.5mm KPVT weapon station with a 2-channel thermal imager but has been also utilized with the unmanned BM-7 Parus combat module. Additional armor has been welded around the vehicle, increasing protection as well as providing a form of ‘spaced’ armor protection against small caliber CE-based munitions. The vehicle itself has had quite a few issues with its engine and gearbox, with it being unsuitable for long-distance maneuvering. Not to mention, a major complaint was the intermittent failure of the 14.5mm KPVT weapon station which prevents the crew from having any offensive capacity. In response, the BM-7 Parus module corrects this, providing the crew a multitude of weapons in the event of a failure, hot-gun, or malfunction. Overall, some of these issues have slowly been corrected and have made progress in quality and firepower.
Anyways, this is Ukraine’s first mass-produced tracked IFV in a long time and was designed to meet immediate battlefield requirements and be a short-term solution with upgrades/fixes over time. Ukraine has a surplus of BMP-1’s and MT-LB’s but is running low on certain APC’s and IFV’s such as the BMP-2. This vehicle provide an option that offers similar firepower and can supplement other tracked IFV modifications like the BMP-1TS.
The vehicle is a unique project to Ukraine that features serious firepower with its remote BM-7 Parus combat module, capable of destroying ground targets and helicopters with ease between its 30mm with 3UBR8 APDS rounds, 30mm grenade launcher, or the Barrier-212 system that has access to the tandem-HEAT RK-2S missile with over 800mm of penetration behind ERA. It can spot targets with its advanced thermal imaging system and has an independent 360-degree sight for the commander. The biggest drawback however, is the rudimentary/rugged hull of the vehicle that lacks sufficient armor, being unable to withstand anything greater than 12.7mm frontally and its mobility, using an old engine and transmission from the original MT-LBu (which may have been corrected, TBD). The vehicle has play room with its BR as some units have had the ATGM system equipped while others have not.
Estimated BR: 8.3-9.0
Depending on ATGM equipped or not.
Reason for mention:
Since this vehicle is produced rather than a refurbished BMP-1 or BMP-2, it was only natural to discuss the vehicle. It’s unique, and was designed very quickly to be integrated in the field. It will be added in some capacity to the WIP tree.
A suggestion may be done on the vehicle due to its rapid history of development and capability to house different weapon systems.
Someone needs to photoshop a BTR-60 with like 4x Parus modules on it like a landship.
Honestly though, its a brilliant way to make use of older technology and breathe new life into it, especially if there’s a shortage of APC/IFV’s. Highly susceptible to drones, ATGM’s, and such though due to the thin armor. It’s really either the BM-7 ‘Parus’ or the Spys-Synthesis combat modules being mounted on everything now.
On a side note, idk why, I’ve always really liked robustness of the BTR-60 and seeing it with the module is sick.
A concept vehicle developed by Ukrainian Defense Company Inguar, possible vehicle to see in the future if it materializes.
Specifications (known):
30mm ZTM-2 autocannon.
KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun.
2x RK-2S/RK-2OF missiles.
RK-2S: 800mm of penetration of RHA behind ERA, Tandem-HEAT warhead.
RK-2OF: 60mm of penetration of RHA, 600-fragment HE warhead.
Range: 5,000m
Guidance: Semi-active Laser Beam Riding
8x 81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
3rd-generation Thermal Imagers for Gunner/Commander, Commander CITV.
Modular composite armor.
The vehicle looks to feature quite a bit of composite addon armor that is modular in-case components are damaged. This includes the combat module. On the top of the module appears to be a CITV with a armor shield around it, the sight almost looks like a generic placeholder sight. Wouldn’t surprise me if they used the Polish GOD-1 CITV sight which is completely possible considering Ukraine uses a lot of components of Polish origin like thermal cameras. The combat module has a 30mm ZTM-2 autocannon, or a Ukrainian version of the 2A42, a coaxial machine gun and the Barrier ATGM system. Doesn’t appear to have the KBA-117 30mm grenade launcher found on the BM-7 ‘Parus’ combat module. Frontal engine design with a full exit hatch likely in the rear, with an empty compartment/no turret bustle due to the remote weapon station being separate externally of the vehicle. Don’t see any cameras around the vehicle or any systems like a laser warning receiver or any type of active protection system. Will have to wait and see if this comes out of concept stage. This company has another vehicle, the Inguar-3 MRAP which is starting production in some scale. There are two versions of the Inguar-3, a 4x4 and 6x6 variant with both being multi-mission capable.
A T-72AMT that’s been modified on the field. Note, crew members and symbology have been blurred out.
A T-72AMT of the Ukrainian Army after some field mods. The vehicle retains its core features, Nizh-1M ERA, cage/net armor around the engine compartment, but metal mesh has been installed under the turret cheek ERA and a retractable metal-mesh cope cage to protect against CE-rounds and FPV drones, and either Kontact-1 or Nizh-1M bricks have been installed on the sides and rear of the the turret. The T-72AMT has the added bonus of Nizh-1M ERA running further down the side of the vehicle to protect the crew compartment and autoloader. Field mods have been ever more important to increasing survivability against evolving threats such as the FPV drones.
Analysis and Discussion:
Why bring this up?
This is important to bring up since the game is advancing ever closer to these kinds of systems. We already have an FPV drone-capable vehicle in-game (QN506), granted they’re not modeled. These types of protection modifications, when they became mainstream for many militaries around the world, will be the next evolution of warfare. Many new vehicles being designed are adding one or more of the following designs:
Active Protection Systems against drones/missiles/CE-based rounds/sub-caliber rounds (M2A4E1 Bradley for example).
Enhanced individual vehicle EW capabilities (Volnorez Counter-UAS Jammer for example).
Mesh and/or cope cages around the vehicle.
Sometimes additional ERA is featured on the vehicles cope cages (T-80BVM obr. 2023 for example).
The ability to launch either FPV or scout drones from added launchers that are standard on the vehicle (Griffin III for example).
What does this have to do with Ukraine?
Ukraine will be a forefront of vehicle development to counter new threats due to its rapidly-funded defense industry and its first-hand experience. I highly believe that Ukraine’s next generation of vehicles, ranging from IFV’s to main battle tanks, will feature some, if not all the mentioned items above. When things cool down, Ukraine will likely and dramatically reinvigorate its factories to focus on whole new vehicle design creation (probably in collaboration with Western entities but remaining as the lead developer) rather than refurbishment and we will see completely new models of vehicles, new active protection systems (both Soft and Hard-kill systems), and new jamming technology. Depending on how the Inguar-7 IFV unfolds (as seen in the previous post), as well as the existing Inguar-3, Kozak-2, BTR-4E (BTR-4MV1), etc., this could be the sign of an acceleration of it.