Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Ukraine should be added without the NATO stuff from the current war. That probably would be the best option for everyone


One way or another western equipment make up a substantial part of Ukrainian armed forces and will serve many years to come after the war.

Ukraine defenetly isn’t going to be added any time soon, especially with active war going on right now.

Imo western equipment should be on the tree, the combination with Ukrainian developments such as Bulat, Yatagan, Oplot and others will defenetly give a tree special flavour.


Without the NATO stuff, WHICH IS UKRAINE’S NOW, it would just be a sidegraded USSR tree, which I don’t think anyone would want. Ukraine deserves to have every single vehicle they have irl, inc NATO vehicles. And anyone who doesn’t like it… can just not play it ;P


and with both its just copy paste

The second photo, as far as I know, is a montage.

Has the T-72AG been included in any tech-tree proposals beyond “honourable mentions”?
100 were purchased by Georgia in the periods of 2004-2006 atleast, from KMDB in Ukraine.

With 2nd(?) Gen Thermals, either the 6TD-1 of 1000Hp or the 6TD-2 of 1200HP (up to 26HP/Tonne), the familiar Kombat Gun-launched ATGMs, Duplet ERA and Varta Optotronic Countermeasure system (Shtora-1), maybe even an upgraded transmission, this tank is as capable as any other in the tech-tree.

I’ll look into it as it’s a cool tank but for usage, I haven’t found any source other than Army Guide stating it was used by Georgia and other nations.


Why are you downplaying the Ukrainian vehicles? It wouldn’t be a sidegraded USSR at all. They don’t own all the vehicles they have from NATO and I can understand why someone would be opposed to having a Swedish, US and German top tier vehicles in one tree.

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damn, I missed what happened?

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Something spicy and inflammatory lol

According to open sources, the UN-Georgia bought from Ukraine in 2005-2008…
91 tanks-T-72AV/T-72B/T-72B1.
Turkmenistan has similar T-72UMG


New Ukrainian Franken-IMV/IFV dropped :

Captured Tigr IMV with captured BTR-82A turret.

(undergoing maintenance/repair)


I had gotten excited about him, but it turned out to be fake.

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that seems more like a 2a4 modification, not a 2a6

Edit: EHHHH the pciture go deleted just in the moment for war content i guess

Had a similar thing happen to me with a Challenger 2

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I’m almost sure it was a 2A4. It was evident in his cheeks.

We can no longer trust the photos and now with Sora neither the videos.

At least the Ukrainians are making some modifications, based on their combat experiences. Maybe something good will come out of it to see in the future.

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Not exactly fake, just a bit different from actual config of Kontact-1 on the Leopard 2A4

first variant

Second variant has a bit differently placed ERA blocks on turret’s front


Don’t forget the third one which had era blocks on the hull.

They all look different because “Leopard 2A4V” is not a conventional modification, but a field-mod done by different brigades with their own mechanics.



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I believe it was just a test version, cuz it never was seen anywhere , but on that photo

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