Type in VERIFIED CHEATERS. Gaijin won't do anything about them but at least we will have the names

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Gaijin bans folks on a list and names them on a google sheet of cheaper being banned.

Gaijin does banwaves to not tell hackers which exploits are detected and when. its annoying as hell when cheaters can run rampant for a while but its the best countermeasure as EAC is trash

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I don’t care. The simulation games is a small community which means you end up playing against this trash way too often. I’m paying for this game I wan’t him removed immediately but seems like russians don’t care much. This game is becoming Tarkov 2.0. I just had a game against him just now in fact why is he still playing the f game/

report him then

report the player and dont cry to us

Congratulations. I’m not crying to you. You can avoid the subject. And you can’t read.

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Report the player

Forum rules dictate no naming people that are allegedly cheating.
Twitter calls this targeted harassment, YouTube as well, and I guarantee that Gaijin follows suit.
Keep names to yourself.


this too

Oh sorry for pointing out cheaters. How suprising russian forum protect cheaters. Youtube doesn’t. Keep advice to yourself. If you wan’t to protect them you’re probably cheating too.

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Well, since my post is defending you, and you’re accusing me of defending cheaters…

As for your false accusations in the more fun answering way:
I’ve reported more cheaters than you’ve come across, and this isn’t a Russian forum.

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You don’t know how many cheaters I met in the game. get lost

God damn why so toxic in here.

Well while I am also against Calling out alleged cheaters

Those esp users are definitely cheating (how else do they Spot people across the map through mountains buildings forests)
And then it’s no longer alleged and they should definitely be called out
Then it feels like criminals felling harassed by Media Calling them criminals or the police harassing them once they show up

This isn’t the Russian forum.

Honestly, I am very hesitant to believe anyone that calls out cheaters, since people will see one suspicious thing and call it cheating. Also, this can be considered targeted harassment, and this thread will be deleted for that.

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Congrats, u just let him know so that he can probably hack your account or make a new account to use exploits with.

In fact, cheaters even have “hit man lists” and software that will allow them to join your game and actively grief you. My friend experiences this in Chivalry 2, he is targeted by a cheating clan because they are salty he beat them in duels.

This is the opposite of what you need to do, which is covertly report and wait till the next ban wave.

In the words of my most recent favorite Tina ‘It’s everywhere’

Against forum rules to name and shame. Gaijin do ban players. They banned 8551 cheaters last week