Type 94 Truck (Type 41) - Literally Out Of Ideas

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TL;DR: A Type 94 truck with a 75mm Type 41 gun on the back. That’s it.



Getting cannons from point A to point B in a timely manner is important when fighting a war. The end of WW1 made it clear that the use of horses to transport artillery was quickly becoming outdated as motorizing them showed more and more potential. This would eventually lead to the advent of motorized artillery of which two distinct types emerged. Towed artillery and self-propelled artillery. Towed artillery was cheaper and could be performed by just about any relatively capable truck or tractor, however, artillery transported in this way required lengthy setup times, which could cost lives in an ambush. Self-propelled, on the other hand, generally greatly reduced or even eliminated setup time with the caveat of generally being more expensive as specially designed vehicles were usually required. Shortly after the start of WW2, a strange hybrid of these two types began to emerge known as Portée, which effectively turned towed pieces into self-propelled ones by simply putting them on the beds of robust trucks. The British are the most famous user of this technique, however, several other countries did similar things, one of them being Japan. In the 1930s, the Kwantung Army Auto Corps conducted an experiment that involved a 75mm Type 41 mountain gun being mounted on the bed of a Type 94 truck. The gun would be pointed off the back of the truck with the recoil stabilizer being sat on top of a few sandbags, which were intended to absorb recoil. Comparative firing tests against a grounded Type 41 would be carried out soon after. These trials revealed that the hit rate of the Type 41 was not negatively impacted when fired from the truck. The truck also did not suffer any structural damage, however, the recoil did still roll the truck forward. As such, it was recommended that the driver keep their foot on the brake when firing. These results were satisfactory, however, the history of Japanese portée vehicles is murky beyond these tests.

Place In War Thunder:

Now, before you say anything, yes. This vehicle would be pretty bad if introduced into the game, however, it won’t be nearly as bad as you might think. Firstly, the Type 94 is decently mobile, even when not on paved roads. Secondly, the Type 94 has a decent reverse speed of 17~kph. Thirdly, since the Type 41 is a mountain gun meant to be used on uneven terrain, it has a respectable -8 degrees of gun depression, which, combined with how the cannon is placed, can easily allow you to camp ridgelines. Staying out of sight is your best bet when it comes to this vehicle and only praying will be able to save you from an aircraft or artillery. Luckily, you do have a rather large crew count, upping your survivability by that little bit. Placement for this vehicle would obviously see it at 1.0 as, while it does have its strong suits, it is still incredibly vulnerable and situational. Despite that, it could still work in the tech tree as a funny meme vehicle.


Armament: 75mm Type 41 Mountain Gun

Dimensions: 5.40m 1.90m 2.70m (L,W,H)

Weight: 5344kg

Armor: None

Crew: 6-7

Ammunition: HE, APHE, HEAT, Smoke, Shrapnel, Incendiary, and Liquid Incendiary

Speed: 60~kph

Horsepower: 68hp


Side View:




Type 41 75 mm mountain gun - Wikipedia

IJA ww2 Type 94 Lorry

TM 9-1985-5; Type 2 7-cm (75-mm) Hollow-Charge Projectile

Japanese Field Artillery by Military Intelligence Divisions, War Department, Washington D.C.

The Imperial Japanese Tanks, Gun Tanks & Self-Propelled Guns (Pacific War №34) by Bunzo Furumine and Masao Fujita


bro really XD +1


Love it!


How do you like this Elon Musk?!

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What kind of penetration are we expecting from this gun ?

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Using the velocity of 510m/s from Japanese Field Artillery by Military Intelligence Divisions, War Department, Washington D.C. and shell details from TM 9-1985-5 and plugging those into Gaijin’s calculator, we get the following:

Type 95 APHE: 51.20mm


Type 1 APHE: 70.15mm

Note: This is a best case scenario.

There’s also Type 2 HEAT, which I believe is already in-game, fired by the Ho-I, that has 90mm.

Two shrapnel shells, the Type 38 and Type 90, also exist but I’m not sure how their penetration is calculated or how useful they’d be.


I remembered a suggestion for the Ho-i prototype equipped with the Type 41 7.5cm gun,.

This suggestion was never passed for consideration btw so if anyone wants to remake it here is a reminder.

There are specifications for the ammunition being talked in that thread.

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I am aware of this suggestion and it’s ammunition discussion. Just goes to show that sources regarding Japanese weapons are almost always conflicting. Pretty much everywhere I look lists a different muzzle velocity for the Type 41. I did think that the 510m/s velocity reported by the US was a bit optimistic but ultimately went with that since it was reported by the United States Intelligence Division and it showed the best case scenario for this vehicle’s in-game performance. I’ll clarify this in the previous reply.

That being said, a velocity of 510m/s would actually make the Type 41 better than the Type 99 present on the Ho-I, which is a bit strange. Though that could be because the velocity reported by the US was of the HE round, with the APHE rounds having velocities of closer to 430~m/s. It’s also just possible that the Type 99’s in-game velocity is incorrect.

If we plug 430m/s into Gaijin’s calculator, still using shell details from TM 9-1985-5, we get the following:

Type 95 APHE: 40.21mm


Type 1 APHE: 54.97mm

Much worse but still absolutely workable at 1.0. Of course, the Type 2 HEAT’s penetration will remain at 90mm and should act as this vehicle’s top round.

Just dont hit the pedals too hard. no kidding

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Wow. That’s definitely a truck we both a gun in the bed. Looks awful. But I suppose you could probably knock the sides of the bed off or let them down if they’re on a hinge Idk.

This would probably only work if the crew could rotate the gun carriage in the bed. Kinda like how you can move AT guns in Enlisted. If the gun can move then it should be fine. If it’ll be unable to at least fire to the sides then this is just Archer at home. Butt-truck.

But either way I’ll suffer through it. +1.

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Extremely goofy and would probably suck in-game. In which case it gets a massive +1 from me!

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Same truck, same gun, but a Manchukuo army vehicle; perhaps for China.


It’s possible but the cab looks too different to be a Type 94, imo. Most notably, the roof appears to be much more rounded and the sidewall is missing the additional window often seen on Type 94s. The vertical railings are also different with the Type 94’s being square all the way up whereas the truck in this picture appears to transition into circular ones. The bed also just appears to be too short to be a Type 94. The crew seems more packed onto the bed than the the image seen on the suggestion (though that could be due to the angle) so I suspect the truck in the picture is actually a shorter 4-wheeled truck instead of a 6-wheeled Type 94.

Really no way to tell for certain unless we can get a more full version of this picture, if there even is one, or another picture from a different angle.


Good eye, I’m not usually the best with trucks at this close a perspective. With that in mind, I’ll place my bet on a Nissan truck, possibly the 80/180. Also note the beginnings of another gun shield in the bottom right of the image, which suggests that a second portee was constructed.


Yep. Japan presumably made a good number of portee vehicles so it wouldn’t be at all unreasonable to see a few in the hands of the Manchukuo army. Here are three others that I’ve come across in my internet escapades. The answer is very likely out there somewhere either on the internet or some old photo album. (I’m not actually certain the top one is Japanese since the gun looks like an Italian Cannone da 75/27 Mod. 1906 but I recall finding it with the others. Can’t remember where I found them though.)



Huh, I had only seen the second one, but it makes sense that more would be created in the absence of proper artillery vehicles. As for the first one, the pattern of the wheel rims on the truck screams Japanese to me, although I can’t identify the gun. I guess it is possible to be a Type 38 75mm gun, or maybe even a captured Chinese weapon.


Possibly another SPG, although I am not sure if the gun is facing rearward or not.

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