Type 5 Ke-Ho

Probably and your opinion doesnt mean “jack”. Dont come at me with “source: I pulled it out of my butt”.
If you dont have proof of something, you cant come call someone out who just gave a mention of what could be, based on the current available info. Which you aparently disregard. But dont show something better (source wise).

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Source: Федосеев - Японские танки Второй Мировой (Fedoseev - Japanese Tanks of the Second World War)

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CG Japan Army Type 5 Light Tank Keho (gunsight.jp)

The turret was partially riveted, it seems

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+1. Love this thing


Allegedly the Short 47 mm Tank Gun that was to be used on the Ke-Ho:



I think you just accidentally found the cannon that was on a mysterious tank built on a British Bren Carrier. I gotta find the picture.
You just found it, the diameters perfectly fit the shape and from an angle would look longer.
Man, I could make a suggestion now on this thing to be added. Thanks :D/

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Would they use an experimental tank gun for what seems to be a relatively slap dash field mod? Idk… maybe its just a dummy gun or a shroud for a machine gun?

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I don’t think it was the short 47mm tank gun because that gun was stuck in development and never put into service.

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It isn’t crazy to imagine some Japanese Engineers going “Hey let’s cut these spare 47mm cannons down to a shorter length and slap them onto these Bren carriers. We captured.”

I don’t know perhaps cause you have these armor chassis that could be modified to carry a cannon. It seems like a basic premise to me to turn something into a tank. It’s also not a Shroud because no Japanese machine gun used that type of shape.

  1. Its not about the simplicity of the set up, its about the fact that the gun you think it may have used, is an experimental gun only found on potentially one prototype. They probably didnt produce many of the gun so i doubt they would use it on some field mod of a captured tank.

  2. Well it doesn’t have to be a Japanese machine gun, it could be a captured machine gun. The chassis is already a captured vehicle, whos to say they didnt slap a captured mg on it?


If I can create a sawed-off shotgun. I doubt cutting the barrel of a 37mm or a 47mm would be difficult. You would though need to rifle it but it would function fine.

So then that wouldn’t be the same as the gun mentioned before. The short 47mm was its own design. Your talking about some speculative modification to an existing gun.


+1, Finally a thing to put between the m24 and ka-mi

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A +1 from me, Japan needs more Light Tanks