Still shocking we haven’t seen this vehicle added yet.
Training Scenes of Ho-Ni II: When the Ho-Ni II moved to the front lines for artillery bombardment, it formed a convoy with artillery observation vehicles, ammunition transport vehicles, and artillery tractors. On the left page, they are inspecting the tracks and changing the engine oil. The bottom left shows an attempt to rescue a Ho-Ni II stuck in the mud. The crew members in these photos are NCO cadets estimated to be between 14 and 19 years old.
Army NCO Cadets: Records of Young Warriors in Aviation, Tanks, Communications, Field Artillery, Heavy Artillery, Anti-Aircraft, Engineering, and Army Ships. Published by The Mainichi Shimbun. 1981. pp. 154-155
This together with Wespe. <3
Want to see them next update.
100% hope to see +1
This is very cool, would love to see this! Very well done post. +1
I think this is Ho-Ni II.
I’m still trying to figure why Gaijin didn’t bother adding this its common sense, if you have a Ho-Ni I, its II then III. Not I then III?
Replying here to revive this, why do we not have this yet??
+1 reviving this suggestion.
+1 we need this!
Annoyingly the filler weight of Type 95 didn’t make it into Allied documents and Type 1 isn’t there at all. The earlier APHE rounds had various filler weighs: 600g, 1000g and 1500g.
Thats a really big filler.
Yes those earlier Japanese APHE rounds had large fillers. Even 75mm Type 95 APHE had 460g, while Type 1"only" 84.8g. They were definitely more like bunkerbuster rounds than for anti-tank use.
Suported Ho-Ni 2 on old forum and will support here too +1
Yes, unofrtunately there is no detailss on the APHE or even HE shells.
So far we only have enough information for the Type 3 HEAT to be implemented.
For HE shell there are numerous options. Type 1 HE would make sense as the most recent one of them, but the weight is missing. I suppose Type 98 HE would be the next choise. It retained the same weight and filler of it’s predecessors, which were also used with Type 91 Howitzer.
If filling of Type 95 or Type 1 APHE cannot be calculated to reasonable precision from the drawings, then we have to stick with an earlier type. Seems like none of them were used with Type 91 Howitzer, although the 105mm ammo was in general interchangeable.
Should have been here since day 1
I don’t really know if there was a 105mm Type 1 APHE. However the game already has Type 2 APHE for Ho-Ri. Is that a real shell though?