Transfer of console-created accounts now available (suspended)

You were asking about premium time and vehicles, and they do carry over. But GE you have to spend before submitting the request, please read the instructions in the first post.

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Will there be any indication for when the unlinking process is completed? Once I have accepted all the terms and everything is done, will there be an email or something?

You will be informed in your original ticket.

so how exactly does this work?
if i transfer over do i really lose all my bought premium vehicle packs or have i misread that ?
and still keep them? or are they gone on that “new” pc account?
because its already a fight buying them now ,since im mainly playing on pc and always have to login on my xbox so that the game knows i have them

I made a request a month ago and nothing has been done, should i keep waiting or submit another request?
I have followed all the steps and everything

No you will keep everything you have. The only thing you cant take with you is GE and any unconsumed items. So if you have a skin, vehicle, or chests if i understand everything, wont be transferred unless its been consumed. SL and vehicles purchased will be transferred over.

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You have to make a new request, as they just opened it on the 24th.

So if i have xbox exclusive vehicles like the XM1 Chrysler and the premium F4UB Corsair will they be lost if I transfer my account over from xbox to pc ?

Look at the comment above from the dev. It looks like the only veh that can’t be transferred is the ps a-26 exclusive

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It will transfer over, and you can also buy the XM1-GM ( once the transfer is done ) and have both… i thought about doing it but didnt want to spend the extra money.

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So when I sent my request I did
Project: War Thunder
Category: Other Question
Subject: Unlinking Xbox account

I was just wondering if that is correct

I did the same except i put technical issues for the category. It’s been about a day now and they haven’t responded. Wondering if i made a mistake or it just takes time?

They only do the requests Monday to Friday. They are out of office on the weekends.


Oh ok. Thanks!

So will they email me when its done? plus do i have to use the actual browser from windows or can i get in through steam. im also hoping it will be ready before the new event starts and yes ik they are only in office weekdays but i hope they email said people when its done.

I’m currently researching the Maus, I hope the progress on that won’t be lost and the Maus will stay researchable?

You can’t use console-linked account in Steam so I’m not sure why you’re asking. It can only be linked to one third-party platform at the time.

It won’t

hmmm, maybe that sounded kinda weird but the actual app you download from the WT home page or will i be able to sign into to it on steam when i start it up

So you meant the launcher, not browser? Yes, you will have to use it and login with your email.