Transfer of console-created accounts now available (suspended)

On Xbox you can buy it through your Xbox and then use it on your PC. You just simply have to buy it through your Xbox to play on your PC. You obviously cant use your PC to buy anything besides GE. Since your account is linked, anything you buy on Xbox transfers to your PC. I have bought around 4 packs on my Xbox while playing on PC and have never had an issue. just have to download the pack and redeem it on your Xbox and you should be good to go. Hope this helps :)

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AgentGibbs4351 is a legend for keeping this entire post alive.

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It is a shame that Gaijin has kept us waiting for so long without any awnser to as of why. A short and simple awnser would make people more understanding of the situation they might be in. But keeping us in the dark for almost a year now is irresponsible. Please better yourselves!

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You would think, but whereas Gaijin’s devs are concerned you cant simply apply common sense.
You would think that gaijin would want to transfer people to PC only as it cuts out the console middle men for all transactions, but according to tidbits dropped by the devs they just have a few people copying data (line by line) manually.

The devs for sure would love it if this topic would die, but Im hoping I can annoy them into making this process better.


Guys you have to make noise… If not this is gonna take forever… ask in the comment section of the tournament Twitch drops it the camo packs are available in console…and why not…


gaijin please we need this badly its such a bad quality of life not having the gaijin store, not having camo packs… its like we are playing the game on prejudice mode


im begging for this to come back, i made so much progress and have premium on my xbox account that i need transfered i cant play without it! (out of principle of course, i can literally still play)


Gaijin PLEASE bring back the account transfer, I don’t have access to market place and cant buy premium packs its like playing on hard mode. I request you to open the transferring process.


Gaijin , Please!!! WE NEED THIS !


Maybe the truth is Gaijin and the devs feed off of our suffering more than our money.


Pls Gaijin, bring the Account Transfer back, like life’s just to hard without the marketplace and to have the option to buy packs on the Gaijin store is just better and we would have the opportunity to nuy some Lte packs, so u get more money. JUST PLEASE BRING IT BACK !!!


You would think they would make more money with console accounts buying stuff on marketplace after transferring accounts

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Every time I pointed that out to the devs, they just ignored it, and theyve never mentioned it on their own.

But they would make more money, the consoles wouldnt be taking a percentage of all transactions, and the players would have access to more to buy.


I see that there has been some kind of movement around the topic.


What movement besides us?

Pls bring it back gaijin i want more things to waste my money

Just fix my account, please. I requested to unlink when it was open and nothing happened. I’m sick of waiting on Gaijin to get their stuff right.

Gaijin, please bring this back, not only for my sake, but for other people’s sake. As someone who’s come from console and wants to transfer my data to PC, it’s frustrating not being able to get event vehicles i desire not ONLY to play, but to have in my collection sense I’m a big fan of military vehicle history, and not only does it make YOU Gaijin more money, but you’re also making the player-base happy.
I think the best thing you can do Gaijin is at least listen to reason, stop holding this over our heads, the more you listen to the player-base, the more you’ll get in return, you can still make a ton of money while still keeping players happy. Happy players = Profit.


The main title of Topic has been modified. Now this can also be seen as a sign that they sometimes look here.


Gaijin won’t do anything unless they suffer losses right now.