Yea gaijin also believed it was a good ideea to put an 80$ premium plane XD (either than trepkas the youtuber and themilitarytok idk who bought it).
We’ll just keep waiting until we get old enough and we will be finished grinding a tech tree or we get sick from WT :(
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i fully came on here to say wtf gajin why do you have to make that a thing?!?!?!?!
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I don’t know if I understood your message correctly but unlinking accounts are a very usefull feature and also why not more options for a game???
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It’s 2025 for me, so i can officially say that it’s been a year since gaijin won’t allow us to unlink our accounts 😉😉😉
i switched to pc in august and have been waiting ever since. i have given up all hope honestly.
I do not recommend e-mailing their support once a month
When my friend followed forum instruction and sent a humble and polite e-mail requesting unlink (before this thread existed) he got a rude generic copy and paste e-mail telling him not to e-mail them about it,
He has not logged back into the game since.
Dec '24
Sadly, this is probably the main reason why Gaijin doesnt care about transferring accounts. All a bid to get their console player base to abandon their accounts and pay for everything they already bought a second time.
I think more people would quit and find something else to play rather than spend again.
Dec '24
At least they could bring it back for a fee, a little extra profit always comes in handy.
Exactly, instead of losing loads of money charge a small fee for a permanent essential service that people need…
“An announcement regarding the resumption of the procedure will be made separately.”
Either that didn’t happen last time or it was impossible to find for people not scouring for it daily. I am skeptical.
Smart cookies don’t burn.
Come on Gaijin. Get off the grass.
That’s the same thing I said related to thier “selfish robotic messages” - as I said. They just don’t care. They’ve got a book with thier answers noted somewhere. And heck they get money for this bcuz of thier jobs.
Let’s just keep the thread update and MAYBE they will see all of our dissapointment…
Sad to see all this I bought a pc for Christmas hoping I could transfer my PlayStation account to the pc but looking at this I don’t think It will happen. I will probably start something different like DCS
when You Guys resume this function again? It’s 7 month that You suspendet this to this day… I sold my console and wanna move my account to PC because shop is very small with this account now…
Best Regrads
you can download wt launcher and bind an email to account so you can play xbox account on pc
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the only problem with this is that you are cloning it, so it is not a full account. What you get on PC does not appear on Xbox, you can only buy Packotse if you log in with Xbox. But if you don’t have an Xbox, just an account, it sucks :)
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They wont care unless we the players make them care, and annoying them is one way to make them care.
They dont loose anything in the transfers for people wanting to switch to pc. Why even suggest they could charge for something that they could already make money on without an additional charge?
If Gaijin devs actually cared they could automate the transfer process just like they did the linking process. Then they wouldnt need to waste staff time copying save data manually.
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Because we live in a world where MONEY matters the most, stimulates, motivates and much more. After almost a year of waiting, I’d rather pay just in case something happens.
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They already make money, hand over fist.
There is absolutely no reason for them to not be transferring as many people away from the consoles as they can.
Offering them money for a service they should easily already be supplying does nothing but show gaijin that if they make something difficult they can rob from their player base to “make it better”.
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ye its not a proper account but its helpful because im wayy better on pc
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So what do i have to do to get my xbox account over to my pc cause i just got a pc and would like to play.
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Just login. Unlinking is a different story. But if you aren’t playing on buying something in the early future just login your account, bind your email and you’re good to go 😀
If you already had an account linked to xbox or playstation and wanted to transfer to a PC account, you have to wait until the War Thunder devs decide to open up the account transfers again. This just means that the only thing you will be able to buy is golden eagles on your when you are logged in on your pc.
Like the others said you just have to use your login (Same email/password as your xbox/ps account) and then you can buy premium packs and whatever else on your console, log onto that and get it on your PC otherwise you can only get GE directly through your PC.
They need to open the transfer, I got the upgrade coupon for the t80ud but I didn’t know I can’t activate it unless I’m on a PC account and there’s a time limit, that is so dumb.