Transfer of console-created accounts now available (suspended)

It’s a pity that the transfer of Playstation accounts to PC accounts is not possible at the moment. It would be so nice now with the new pack Two Fronts

Yeah it is…
The devs keeps saying how the contracts with the consoles were limited in this way because of the in game currency and the loot boxes.
On on hand i see how it is dumb, but on the other given how their loot boxes work they are basically designed to steal your money.

It is. He is under the impression that someone who has made a console account can not use that account to play through Steam. But ive only ever played on xbox, where I started, and pc through steam. I dont ever use the gaijin launcher to start the game unless steam is acting funny and doesnt update the game when it needs to.

can’t you buy it from the PS store? even if you can’t it isn’t a limited edition pack, it’s just another pack like the starter packs are

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You should still be able to get it through your console’s store. It may just take a couple days longer for it to show up.

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currently the RDF/LT isnt available either

{probly said it wrong im tired and dont care to spell check anymore}

and you can still use them on your console account even if you use the game on PC through the gaijin launcher, you’ll need to launch the game on PS4/5 first to “claim” the rewards first though

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and the only reasing i looked into transfering again was to get spookstons decal lmfao

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The RDF/LT isnt worth the buy. They basicly copied and pasted the HSTVL and are ignoring people who are pointing out that the RDF had a faster fire rate and different armor.
Spookston made a video on it

I want it too… :(


i watched that vid two days ago and remembered he was a WT partner and didnt see a cod elike the russian badger had would love it if they all got one like his

i have a PS account but all the links i followed here worked, just click on them and (if you’re logged in) most would work, some are for new accounts only but the vast majority work with existing accounts too

if i have misunderstood your comment sorry :p

spookston doesnt have one like the russian badgers his a discount bonus in the market place or something {console cant get it bc of this as far as i know}

i claimed badgers already tho lmfao

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ahhh that makes sense, we console plebs don’t have access to it

it sucks, as there’s no way for me to get my favourite WW2 era vehicle (not tank) the Katyusha </3


Another useless event for those stuck with console accounts. My friend (whom has previously spent thousands on this game and would spend more but…) has zero incentive to come back. He has 30-40m SL just sitting there waiting for the day Gaijin finally unlinks his x-box account. When the last transfers were “Available” he did not get a notification so missed the small window of opportunity. Him being denied access to the marketplace has obliterated any motivation for him to continue with the game as there is no real progress he can make playing alongside us PC players who have access to the marketplace.


when will this come back for console users switching to pc?


The devs refuse to give any advance warning or to even acknowledge if they will do the transfers again.
Unless you are willing to log in here once a day, dig through the forum posts (as they also refuse to announce theyve opened up the transfers any other way), to find the announcement then the best I can suggest is to Email their support once a month asking to transfer.

when is this suspension going to be lifted? ive played WT on varying platforms since the closed beta, and have spent thousands on GE and premiums on xbox, and having transferred to PC my account is still bound to my xbox which i no longer have (my account itself is linked but not transferred to PC). as it stands i cant use the gaijin store for buying vehicles and i want to access the gaijin market place, which is something us console peasants can’t do!


if the website says its closed, its closed. if it says its open, its open

thats it

See above