Tracked Rapier RCM784, "hit-ile not miss-ile"

Stormer is nearly useless to against jet while Marksman and ZA-35 can’t deal with top jet.
GB TT really need a new missile AA vehicle between Stormer and ADATS(Or fold with Stormer)


I watched a stormer have to hit a alouette 3 times to take it down last night… Was painful to see

Yeah…That’s why I still brought Marksman to top battle before I got ADATS.
Sometimes Stormer is really useless.

probably you will get a lower rank AA, maybe 10.0 or 9,7. stromer and FlaRakPz 1 are both 10.3, but Rapier is worse than FlaRakPz 1 in almost all ways, except no need for reloading.

But better then the stromer

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All sam spaa’s are pretty s**t now, rolands, stormer, the Swedish ones. Unless you’re using a adats/tor or pantsir they’re all trash, even IR systems are better.

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I thought Rapier can fold with Stormer since it’s nearly impossible for Stormer to shoot down jet.


Didn’t the US have a version of this? Could’ve sworn I saw something about that

US tested Rapier, but never accepted it, it lost to ADATS in competion.



Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.