You can.
Doing damage is a different story,
Gaijin i think it’s seriously time for a Gulf War map,like really
Adats does count and idc its not british
Israel japam and italy doesnt even have a proper saclos
Okay, it counts, so its been 5 years lol to get a count vehicles.
Wdym u have adats for 5 years so why we dont get one but u get unnecessary spaa
Sure its cool and unique and im not against that but the devs shouldnt work on thos things when the game is so unblanced when israel best spaa is 9.7 and italy is 10.3
But we’re still forced to use 5.3 until 8.3. Why can’t they give us something comparable to the Wiesel is beyond me.
What makes it “unnecessary”? The fact that the OSA exists? If the OSA wasnt in the TT? Just as a fyi the ADATs is a completely different BR grouping lol. Also, do remember that Italy got copy-paste SAMs too IIRC didnt it?
The UK effectively had in this bracket the stormer HVM which a chunk of the community cant use due to latency issues and bugs with the missiles, and even if you can use it, often requires 2-4 hits on the target to bring it down and only in the last couple of months a chopped top replacement Stormer with IR missiles in what is arguably a saclos radar/tracking system meta.
The other nations might need something, but it doesnt mean the UK should be ignored for them lol.
Rapier was a needed addition to the UK tree.
Has it been made as a suggestion yet? There is already some other rapier suggestions currently but another is always well, im sure there’s afew people who would like to see the early direct hit Rapier missiles at a lower BR to bridge the 8.3 to 10.0 gap.
Yes the osa is ok in filling the gap
And ik this br gap was annoying but at least u have top tier
Israel and italy dont
Given Britians TT basically ends at 10.7 with how bad the CR2s are these days. I almost consider the Rapier to be top tier
Ah, vindication, someone using the “no you shouldnt get this British vehicle in the British TT because you’ve already got a [insert sub-TT] version, just use that instead”
This is why I hate sub-TTs
Only light targets unless they give it the Rapier Mk.2B
Im not saying u shouldnt get this at all
U shouldnt get this while u have place holder and other major tech trees doesnt have top tier aa at all
Full 10.3 spaa lineup letsgoo.
it would have actually been a good addition if it was 9.7
Yeah I don’t think those missiles can be balanced at 9.7.
Its funtionally like the stormer HVM but with far worse range so near a full BR difference would make sense.
No it wouldn’t as the missile has a proxy fuze and 8km of range while also having pretty good energy retention due to long burning motor.
There is a version of the rapier missile without prox fuse iirc and also a max range of about 5-6km. That version would be more than suitable for 9.3. A rapier (early) would be one of the 2 good options for that gap.
If the proxy fuse is what makes you think that way at least there’s a non proxy. I hope that gets added for a lower rapier system SPAA
That might work but no one knows if Gaijin is willing to put a SACLOS carrier at 9.3 that can easily outmatch helicopters.