Need some help here, I know for sure from looking at the records that Italy has used the Lizard bombs on both the AMX and Tornado. But what I can not find is which variant. They ordered the bombs once in 2002 and then again recently. I believe that the ones from 2002 are Lizard-2s, but can’t be sure. Looking at the pictures it hard to tell.
If anyone of you guys could help find that information or decifer the Lizard variant based on the images that would be much appreciated.
I also am having trouble finding any photos of the tornado using Lizard bombs. (They can and do use Lizard bombs, Logistics support service for the LIZARD weapon system used on Tornado aircraft) I believe though that the tornado can only use Lizard-4s as they have only recently been added to tornados.
I have also found some sources that say the tornado can also carry the opher, I have absolutely no belief that this is true as there are no reliable newsites or contract documents that say so.
(Quick edit, JDAM is only on AMX-11B not the ingame 11A. But the ingame AMX still would have access to Opher and Lizards, which it had been using since Kosovo.)
Further links and photos from my research
Diavoli Rossi (Has good information, and stuff about weapons on the tornado. It also has a great picture of the BOZ-102EC which shows sensors and extra built-in flare pods. This site states the tornado could carry Lizards on a 500lb mk82.
Air International 2015-02 (this has many photos of the use of Lizards on the AMX, can’t tell if they are Lizard 2s or 4s.)
Weapons (This website has a lot of good information, but does not provide a photo of the AMX with the Lizard bombs. It does say that the bombs had GPS guidance which proves they were Lizard-4s, but again there is no solid proof. This site also claims the AMX can carry JDAMs, which I believe is true as I have seen that in several other newsites.)
Almost 100% sure these are Lizard bombs, again just cant tell the variant.