Tornado MLU missing vital features

The Italian tornados seem to have many missing features and armaments which they have received in active service. Here are all the current missing things that bug reports have been filed for, maybe the devs need more information or whatever.

Currently the A200C is missing:

If you find any more missing armament please share and make a report, if you have more information to give please also share that. I think some of the reports need to be redone because they were from the dev server but I don’t know.


I believe it was also able to carry the AS.34 Kormoran, but I am not sure if that’s entirely true…


Yeah, I saw the report for AS.34 and did some research, was able to carry it (along with A-200A and the 1995 version). Wont be added though as the report was denied and said, “at this time we only want AS.34 on the tornado mfg” or something along those lines

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I did some more research on the RWR, wasn’t able to find RWR information (other than the name which is AR-3C) but there is an embedded ELT/553 Mk3 active ECM system that in theory works with the RWR. The 1995 version would get ELT/553 Mk2 jammer, and base IDS gets ELT/553 base. This probably wouldnt be balanced for the game in its current state I’m assuming this is like if a radar missile is detected it will do its jamming. This in theory would work well with the BOZ-102EC, as it could detect the IR and the RWR could detect the radar missiles.

I did some research, and yes for sure the AS.34 was used on Italian tornados. More research on the bombs and I got nothing more, other than already known Lizard and EGBU.

I did find that the AMX Ghibli is also under armed, and should get the Opher bomb (Lizard with thermal seeker). I was not able to find the variant of the lizard but from this document: link (from 2024) I can assume that they are Lizard-4s. Additionally the Ghibli could get Lizard-2s as that is what Italy originally bought Lizards for in 2002.

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As far as I am aware. All the Tornado IDS’s should be able to carry ASMs (except maybe the GR4, but more because Sea Eagles had been “retired” by then) but they’ve just restricted them to the MFG for now. Which is rather annoying.

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Community Bug Reporting System here is gaijin’s excuse

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Yeah… it sucks. At least with the F-5A(G) and the overhaul they made to how missiles target naval targets in Firebirds? that there is hope on the horizon. Unfortunately. the only gamemode that owuld benefit from them is ASB and gaijin doesnt care much for it


We can’t even get exocet on the etendards to upset the pommies in customs/the rare naval target 😿

Nah, will come on Type 21 Frigates first :P

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I would be spitting if that happened, but it isn’t impossible.

Yeah, I’ve reported this. Community Bug Reporting System

It’s the same for the German Tornados too, they should be using ERWE Community Bug Reporting System

And also the radar Community Bug Reporting System

Is there any news about the bugs that are still not solved?
And when will they add BOZ-EC?
I got the Tornado MLU and I play sim it’s sad to have to see the livery in cockpit view it’s not right, and I really want more flares to defend me from Mirage F1s with the new BOZs lol

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No news, they have accepted most of the bugs, but as with most things Italy they never implement the fixes (IE Ariete armor). I do also play some sim from time to time with attackers such as the su-25 and it sucks to see that it lacks so much armament and electronics.

Additionally they seem to have closed most of the bug reports (with the accepted label), without further comment.

Edit: will make a bug report for opher and lizard-2 on the AMX

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Need some help here, I know for sure from looking at the records that Italy has used the Lizard bombs on both the AMX and Tornado. But what I can not find is which variant. They ordered the bombs once in 2002 and then again recently. I believe that the ones from 2002 are Lizard-2s, but can’t be sure. Looking at the pictures it hard to tell.

If anyone of you guys could help find that information or decifer the Lizard variant based on the images that would be much appreciated.

I also am having trouble finding any photos of the tornado using Lizard bombs. (They can and do use Lizard bombs, Logistics support service for the LIZARD weapon system used on Tornado aircraft) I believe though that the tornado can only use Lizard-4s as they have only recently been added to tornados.

I have also found some sources that say the tornado can also carry the opher, I have absolutely no belief that this is true as there are no reliable newsites or contract documents that say so.

(Quick edit, JDAM is only on AMX-11B not the ingame 11A. But the ingame AMX still would have access to Opher and Lizards, which it had been using since Kosovo.)

Further links and photos from my research


Diavoli Rossi (Has good information, and stuff about weapons on the tornado. It also has a great picture of the BOZ-102EC which shows sensors and extra built-in flare pods. This site states the tornado could carry Lizards on a 500lb mk82.

Air International 2015-02 (this has many photos of the use of Lizards on the AMX, can’t tell if they are Lizard 2s or 4s.)

Weapons (This website has a lot of good information, but does not provide a photo of the AMX with the Lizard bombs. It does say that the bombs had GPS guidance which proves they were Lizard-4s, but again there is no solid proof. This site also claims the AMX can carry JDAMs, which I believe is true as I have seen that in several other newsites.)

Almost 100% sure these are Lizard bombs, again just cant tell the variant.

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I didn’t find anything more than you, about AMX we should make a topic for it if you want to, and keep this one for Tornado MLU only

I also would like to know exaclty how many flares can be fitted in the BOZ 102 EC flares dispenser?

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Will do that and some more research on boz ec

I found this, says it has 5 BOP-L 39 pods. So then im guessing its just 5*39=195 flares.

(Edit I looked into the BOP pods on saab’s site, and they are just the normal flare pods, but put into the BOZ pod)

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Since I’m the one who submitted the bug reports for the weapons, just a few comments:

  1. The Lizard bombs listed in the inventory are the ones based on the Mk82 body. This is clearly stated in the Ministry of Defense report I attached to the bug report. I’m not sure if it’s visible to third parties, but I included a link to the official site.
  2. The Kormoran missiles were retired years ago—if I recall correctly, even before the MLU program began—so I doubt they kept the necessary software for them. They might have been carried by early Tornado versions or the so called 1995, but we’ll probably never see them in-game anyway, since they were exclusive to the German Navy variant. Once the missile’s service life expired, it was deemed unnecessary to upgrade it and was officially retired.
  3. Smin mentioned in one of his comments that the BOZ pod hasn’t been fully modeled yet, so hopefully they’re still working on it.
  4. As for the other weapons, I’m not sure. My reports were accepted, but keep in mind that a report being accepted by a moderator doesn’t necessarily mean the devs will implement the changes.
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