This Fictional "M1A2 Jagdbrams Tank Destroyer" would be awesome if it was real!

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Let’s just be real for a moment, if you’re firing the same 120 in a superstructure you’re mostly wasting resources,

Unless this fictional superstructure had a 3-4 seconds autoloading system with Hydropneumatic suspension,

The best example we have of superstructures in modern days is the VT-1-2.

USA has a lot of prototypes that could come into the game, in my opinion as event vehicles, examples are the XM551 Test Bed.

Not only USA obviously, I also support the addition of the Udes XX-20 Swedish articulated Tank Destroyer or the Object 299, Soviet AGS.

I mean, maybe for some kind of April fools thing? But either way, it’s fictional and doesn’t belong in the game, as the most effort put into its creation was someone asking AI to generate a picture of it, and furthermore there’s a reason all modern tanks have turrets…

Stugbrams, unfortunately, the advancements in tank technology made SPG’s obsolete.


It could actually come to the game. Since the F-16A/J is fake as well

At least the F-16AJ is less fake than this thing.

The F-16AJ is paper, this abomanation you showed here is straight up fantasy.

The Chimera from WG:RD is probably the closest you will get

It is/was a real proposal:

It was created to be “…a cheap and effective way to make a Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun on the Chieftain chassis that was to utilize new armor and technology but still be cheaper to produce and operate than the new Challenger 1.”
Though it met the stated targets, the project was shelved.

Alternatively, they made another one on a similar, but separate, study. However this is 1970s era as opposed to the Chimera which would’ve been from the mid-80s.


The F-16AJ wasn’t truly fake, it existed to an extent and was nearly accepted, however other aircraft were chosen instead and it wasn’t excepted.

Where it all started:

Fabled brochure for the planned aircraft: (click image to see gallery)

Gaijin is more than willing to remove it at any time, given a better option become available to replace it. Lots of talk about a thai F-16 with the same capabilities to replace it.

Japan just has a huge gap and there were no options, which is the exact reason as to why the R2Y2 and Ho-Ri exist ingame to fill the gaps that couldn’t otherwise be filled.

Just because they added a vehicle that needed to be added, doesn’t mean they will ever add a chat GPT generated image. You have a World of Tanks for that :KekW:

Not every nation needs a paper plane when they have other options, it’s when they don’t have other options that’s vehicles which weren’t accepted into service get added.

Related links I highly suggest you skim through.

(Take note of just how many people hate these paper planes being added)


Personally the F-16AJ is less egregious than say… the F-14AJ, because it was already being tested and inspected… etc.
It was basically a concept that just never got named, which is more than can be said for some other things that have been proposed

That being said I would really like if they eventually double down and give it back the two sparrows it’s missing, since that was a selling point of the original concept

Thank you for ruining my day, keep up the bad job.

B-buuut Japan Navy blue camo on an F-14 :DDD

How could you say no hahaha (jk jk, I’ll settle for WT live skins ofc :P)


No your not. You save on cost and resources because you do not need to install a turret and a turret ring, there is also a lot more stuff you would not need to install than the turret requires. You’re buying 2 for the price of 1 turreted Abrams Tank. However, the downside would be the fact that this wouldn’t serve well in extremely open fields and dense urban areas would require escort vehicles. However, in terms of ambushes would do extremely well. However a Turreted vehicle can do the same job far more proficiently.

I mean you do realize the picture wasn’t made by him right?

Is this real? xD

Yes you’re wasting on resources because to turn this viable, least mobile and not with a extremely limited gun control, you may consider a passive Hydropneumatic suspension,

What I mean by this is a control of the suspension in any time, being stationary or not, it’s a crucial aspect, again, using the VT-1-2.

About ambushes yes it can be applied but looking the image it seems to have almost the same height as the Abrams, how are you hiding this visually?

Vehicles with turret may have better chances in case of this Ambush don’t work really as intended, they can retaliate the threat easily,

Different with superstructures: you need to move the entire vehicle, but this is a specific case scenario.

No clue, saw it when I was grabbing pics on the F-16AJ lol
There are plenty of aircraft that were totaled along with painted camps and roundels, but never accepted into service, so it’s very possible.
Top comment here seems to have the story on it.

Facepalm I’m not even gonna bother since you wouldn’t understand. Sigh…


Dont forget the Taifun II which did get realized into a actual vehicle.

Yea, it doesn’t change the fact that I would prefer to never see it. I miss a person I was yesterday because of that.

It doesn’t exist, so your never going to.