Su-24M didn’t have any of the things you all are giving it in game. It did not have SPPU6 GUNpods. There was no locking mechanism for the sight unless this is the SU-24M2 Fencer D variant, which isn’t the plane you all have on the dev server or are adding to the game. The SU-24M didn’t have a tracking sight for the bombs either. Did you all get the name wrong???
It doesn’t have half the stuff the M2 has, either.
The Su24M have locking sight for aiming bombs and guide them.
However, the Su24M is a bad plane and the M2 will be worst, as with the R73 will get higher br and at 11.3 is struggling for survive. Is too slower and at AirRB has nothing to do. Furthermore, you have the tornado and the F111 that beats the Su24.
The Su24 had to be in the game one year before, and now they should be add the Su34.
Or add some diferent mode to make sens for this planes.