If only boosters doesn’t have an expiring date, like wtf do they expect us to use 100 boosters within 4 hours since we don’t always have the time to play? also the only thing that doesn’t have a timer is the wager which is something even more worthless lol
It’s on for a month. The odds and cost are the same if you buy 300 at once or a batch of 10 every day and get the best use of the boosters that way. Impulse control being the key here.
Yes, I understand, and have learned to curb my purchases of the boxes to a more “scheduled” purchase pattern. Just to avoid having so many all about to expire at the same time. I don’t mind doing a little “stacking”, but it hurts my fee fees to have to drop a lot together. “Mega” stacking cuts the percentages down far too much to make them worthwhile at that point. So, a “balance” seems to be required to keep them spaced out enough so as not to use more than 2 - 3 at the same time . . . a “game within the game”
“You play game, don’t let game play you!”
…the event lasts for a month. There is no reason to burn all your SL the first day.
Must be a bug with the drops, 100 crates and ive got around 8-10 decorations and decals xd
Getting absolutely nothing so far.
Too bad they keep spamming the loot boxes instead of giving us events like this (as in events to get existing rare vehicles):
260 boxes opened, first vehicle - Boarhound straight to account.
Did not have it, very happy.
Jesus - lost count of how many of these things I’ve opened. Lucky it’s only SL. Getting nothing but universal backups (nice) and wagers and orders (not nice) - with some SL back (meh).
Same, currently up to 173 boxes opened and had two coupons for a gun and a decal, the rest has been all sl, boosters, wagers and a load of uni backups haha
This. This makes me mad. Ive wanted that forever. Ever since I started playing in 2018, the only vehicle I ever got was the SD. KFZ 251/10, I love it but like, its useless. A “Tank destroyer” with 47mm pen is abysmal. Even for 1.0. I’ve sunk so much SL into these crates and thats all I’ve gotten. With the last ones, my friend got the Ersatz M10 and AEC Mk ii within 30 crates. You got the Soviet Spitfire in 10. Man and to think I pray to the snail every night. Not to mention the fact the second best thing I got was ONE decal. Other than SL, Wagers, and boosters thats itm
If its helping best i got is p59 which isnt bad but i hate early jets
Wow this time i am incredible lucky, got after the 140th chest the T18E2 directly on the account.
Um yeah no the P-59 is at least a rank IV. Also I love the P-59, I’m still happy for you though
After 15 million silver, there should be a guaranteed vehicle, every 15 million.
That’s every 250 boxes right?
If that’s the case I should be getting vehicle int he next 45 I open. Will report back on that , currently had a ww2 decal, two guns and a loading screen besides the sl, wagers, boosters in 195 boxes
Felt on the last run of loot boxes I faired way better tbh but didn’t track them like I’m doing this time
I spent 60 million silver last crate. Got 2 vehicles, one I already had. So realistically for 59 million silver, I got 1 vehicle…
340 boxes opened - second vehicle, Swordfish, already had it.
The name is really fitting considering the actions of Gaijin the past few years.
5 minutes ago I opened 2 snake boxes, the first of this event.
Must be the first time for all the lootboxes events that I am getting a little something to complete my collection, so that Matilda is a nice little surprise.
spent ~5 mil total and got 1 decal, sl count of ~1.5mil booster and ~18 universal backup
and now im broke