The Problem with TR00PER

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He makes them money, why would they bite the hand that feeds them

And yea I hate trooper aswell, it started because of his anti-semitism. Im not jewish but I know history and historically, widespread anti-semitism, like what were seeing now, never ends well


Never heard about that TR00PER, i’m definately checking it out, for reporting purposes ofc.

We need a serious explanation if every allegation is true and about his status if he is Gaijin’s partner in the first place.


Gaijin will only do something about it when it starts to affect them directly, in the meantime they won’t worry about this whole situation

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Gaijin actually might take action given a pretty good reason.

Snail does not like their game getting bad publicity from CC’s, such as making the game look like a toxic cesspool.

Just found out earlier when I witnessed him get teamkilled twice.

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You can easily check point 1 by finding a video where he says something wrong. You point it out to him and at some point your comment is gone xd
Point 2/3/4/5/6 there are many clips on TikTok
Point 7 this was mentioned by another CC on TikTok

What’s more, Gaijin doesn’t find political statements by big CCs funny at all

Yea thats true, I hope they do something

Hi! Thanks for the reports and all the feedback. I have passed your concerns to people responsible for Content Creators Program and they will take a closer look on this case.