The Namer IFV series should recieve an Ammo Box to fix its major issue

4 fnf missiles I think is more than enough. You literally just have to peak, hit fire on someone on the move, repeat. You can target anyone that isn’t outright killed after. Especially on the big maps where you can peek people running distances off the start.


Consider playing with weapon system youre speaking about first and then giving your opinion, please. You dont have a single Spike/QN502 carrier.


I have to ask if you’ve actually used them. They don’t tend to hit anything on a target. They can, but they often won’t.

Sure, but 4 Spikes just ain’t it. If you’ve used them, you’d understand.

People like you need to stop talking lol. You know I do get hit by them right? The be all end all to a discussion isn’t “do you have the vehicle? No stop talking then.”

They’re a skill-less asset. You literally fire and forget, they’re not supposed to be OP. Being FNF is OP. It’s 4 chances to kill someone doing nothing other than spotting someone and that’s it.

My opinion is as valid as anyone’s else’s considering I get hit by them.

Sure, they hit… and thats it, they often dont deal damage to the target…


There’s a reason that, upon the Namer 30’s release, they literally joked about their poor performance in the devblog.


You have to position them properly to use them. Extreme hills, buildings, smoke, or trees can screw your lock up entirely. If there’s a dead tank or friendly between you and your target, they won’t lock the enemy either.

You fire and forget an AIM-9B, but that’s hardly OP. When it comes to FnF, they’re only as good as the game wants them to be. Most of the time, you’re actually better off with direct fire weaponry. Especially when almost ever spike vehicle has them pitched upwards and cannot use them against a target closer than 1 kilometer.

If they’re OP, why do you need 4 chances to kill one person? That’s contradictory.

Here’s your solution. Smoke.


Im not saying that there isn’t problems. However acting as if these things are so bad because you can’t get 4 fnf kills off a weapon that you have to do nothing other than spot an enemy on the run I think is bad.

They serve their use. I get hit by them, and often I’m now stuck out in a spot where other tanks can kill me. Whereas without getting hit I’d just have tanks where I see them, they see me, we are shooting at distances and missing or hitting as well as we’re sprinting to points.

I asked for more, not a buff to them. Don’t derail the topic from an ammo box.


1- no you don’t, on wide open maps you literally spot and fire. You don’t have to position much at all.

2-stay on topic, just and planes are not the same. I can out g a missile. If I’m sprinting across a map, the smoke does nothing because I’m already out of the smoke as I’m driving.

3- what you’re writing is nonsense. If you make them more dangerous it’s 4 free kills. Try understanding the whole idea not picking a part out. FnF is op, making them more op is 4 free kills. It’s not 4 chances to kill one person, it’s 4 chances to now more easily kill 4 different people doing nothing other than spotting a tank. Which is what I said.

4- smoke doesn’t help if I’m on the move. I’m clear of the smoke before it ever even starts to fully obscure. You know, like sorting off a start on open maps. Which is what I said.

I don’t particularly want them buffed, the idea of a free kill machine that you don’t even have to aim seems unbalanced, but they definitely aren’t as good as you may think (they pen maybe 60% of the time, and hit something vital other than breach 40%) Having more in a vehicle that cannot preform it’s role properly (it’s a light tank heavier than an M1 Abrams, the Merkavas you bring with it are more mobile) seems like a fair trade off for it’s poor mobility (because armour isn’t the trade off that we were promised)

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i read your OP again and I misunderstood, I thought when you talked about how bad the missiles were you were asking for them to be buffed as well as the amount. That is my bad, I didn’t read/undestand it correctly.

It changes my opinion for nothing though. Adding more fnf missiles for potential free kills I think is a bad idea. Even if you’re not asking for more damage, which again I misunderstood. I still think 4 is fine.

You haven’t used them. A single dead tank between you and your enemy completely mitigates that. Secondly, if you’re paying attention, a single pop of smoke destroys the lock.

Suggesting that you can counter an AIM-9B because you can out-G it but saying that you’re too lazy to perform basic countermeasures against a spike missile is strange.


It’s that simple. I’m sorry. I do play against them constantly, and I rarely die to them. I can physically count on my fingers how often they kill me, and I’ve played those Batteratings extensively.

Use your handbreak by pressing “S” and stop inside the smoke. You can also utilize this really awesome new feature Gaijin added called “Missile Evasion”.

This post isn’t about buffing the spike, it’s simply for an Ammo Box because the Namer becomes useless for its team when any round glances the turret.

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There is no dead tanks off the starts. The sprint on open large maps there’s rarely cover because what protects you from tanks doesn’t protect you from the vantage point of a missile. The smoke doesn’t help you because you’re already out of the smoke if you’re sprinting and going fast enough.

The smoke will go behind you and when you’re hearing a missile at a full sprint you’re already not in a position to stop and go back. It’s too close. I’ve said it over and over again. Sitting in a place when you’re positioned is different from the break of a game when there’s no dead tanks, and everyone is scrambling for position.

Few people first spawn the Namer at its BR. And even when they do, just smoke.

This is just a bad idea. Full sprinting in the open ain’t a good idea. Any stray tank shell is gonna deal you in just as easily.

I have to assume you’re referring to Eastern Europe and flanking to the forest, which will get you killed so easily.

Anyway, back on topic.

Not specifically about the Namer (Because I have no experience with it), but Gaijin’s bizarre insistance on giving ammo boxes to TDs and SPAAs specifically, and ignoring all other vehicles, is just odd.

Take for instance the Type 60 SPRG and the R3 T106. Both are equipped with dual 106mm recoilless rifles with 10 shots. However, the SPRG is classed as a TD, and gets an ammo box to help it with it’s miserable ammo pool, while the higher tier T106 has to pray to god that it’s team has map control to allow it to rearm.

Same with the Raketenautomat and USH. Same guns, but the light tank with less total ammo gets no ammo box, while the TD with more base ammo gets one.

Meanwhile, the vast majority of TDs do not need ammo boxes, they can already carry far more rounds than they’ll actually use.

Ammo box availability should be based on need, not on class.

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Funfact: Calliope, Panzerwerfer 42, M26 T99 have ammo boxes too for there Missiles

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Lol, as valid as opinion of a chicken about KFC assortment of sauces.

Yeah, definetely. People who both used those missiles on daily basis and got shot by them should stop giving feedback. While genius players who have their valid opinion on topics they have no idea about should share their sacred feelings. Yeah, sounds about right. XD

Doesnt the Namer have a really bad turret rotation speed too?

No. Ammunition boxes shouldn’t be the solution to low ammunition loads. It is incredibly unrealistic and overpowered mechanic that shouldn’t be added in the first place. Players need to learn to CONSERVE ammunition and fire it sparingly! Magically getting twice the amount of ammunition with practically no drawbacks shouldn’t be an acceptable thing for War Thunder to begin with.

And ammunition boxes were added to TDs and SPAA only for a reason. Because Gaijin thought every vehicle class had to be special and have a special power. Light tanks like Namer or other Spike carriers already have scouting and artillery. They don’t need more perks.