The Israel ground problem

And if you took the time to google said report and then read it’s contents, you’d find multiple pages dedicated to the standard M1A1 hull.

‘‘The Earth is flat’’
‘‘Can you show me evidence?’’
‘‘Just google it’’

I asked you to show me sources of your own which support your position, you then come back with the ‘‘Just google it’’ response that’s typical of anyone who doesn’t really have any sources that back up their case.

The Merkava 3 weighs around 60 tons. The Merkava 4 in full combat load weighs 80 tons.
If the extra 20 tons didn’t come from armor - where did it come from?
You specifically raised the issue of structural components within the context of the 20 ton gain.

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I raised the issue in response to someone comparing a Minicooper to an AML.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I know this topic is about ground forces, but I won’t open a new topic for a simple query.

My question is: irl, was the Kfir not designed as a strike aircraft? Or am I mistaken? It seems to me that it should be classified as an attack aircraft. From what I have seen, the F-16s replaced the Mirage III as air superiority fighters, and the Nesher/Kfir were intended to replace the A-4s. In WT, Israel lacks attack aircraft above 9.3, and the Nesher/Kfir only have two A/A missiles while their CAS options are decent.

In WT, should they be classified as attack aircraft? What do you think?


hi dude
I think you can help me better than that damned Wikipedia and AI
Maybe I’m wrong, but if the F-16 became the new multirole fighter, what role did the Kfir play? And what replaced the A-4? Also, why did the Kfirs only carry 2 AA missiles, and unlike the Mirage IIICJ, did they have a decent load of bombs and rockets?

Kfir was an air superiority fighter

Honestly, I don’t think anything directly replaced the A-4

The IIICJ had a third pylon for a radar missile and the experience using the mirage’s radar was horrible by israeli pilots so they just decided to ditch it

thanks for your help

Which Kfir are you talking about?
IAI is still marketing the Kfir as a multirole fighter with emphasis on ground strike capabilities.

Although this does not mean the focus was the same throughout the entire program or in Israeli service.

I was referring to the Nesher and the early Kfir, which are the closest to the Mirage V.
Kfir C.7 and later models have decent options for being multirole.


i mean, irl the SK-105 is a tank destroyer, however Gaijin classified it as a light tank in WT due to its gameplay. I think the Nesher and Kfir canard could fit better as attack aircraft, which is a positive thing for GRB.
I’m sure it’s the best for the WT air tree. It’s just that Gaijin has completely neglected the Israeli air tech tree. Most of the aircraft don’t even have a decent variety of skins, and many of them still can’t have custom skins applied.

I don’t understand how such a BIG vehicle, with such an ineffective FCS, is at 7.3. It should at least have a rangefinder… There are much older vehicles with rangefinders. Damn, even the Panther II and the Tiger 105mm have rangefinders.

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Both the tiger 105 and the panther 2 are not really vehicles

I know… that’s why they should remove the rangefinder. They’re at 7.0.

@Smin1080p_WT Hey Smin I want to ask if there is an internal report about Namer armour in progress now. I can’t stand the bad experience of being shot through by small-calibre ammunition such as 3Bur6 from 76 degrees to kill my crew. Why is it about to be 64 tons? The protection ability is worse than that of Mekava 4?


If Gaijin doesn’t fix it this update, I’ll file a bug report detailing why the Namer should be 30 tons.
If we don’t get armor, at least we’ll get mobility.

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One magic word: autoloader

Haha, unsurprisingly, Namer’s armour is still bad and heavier.

A lot of Early Israeli tanks were, quite frankly, hot garbage. Things like the MAR-240 would fit somewhere in the 4.x range, but due to not having ranks 1-4, they cant be fit in. Israel created very many Sherman abominations and engaged in a lot of adaptive reuse. It wouldn’t even be hard to give Israel ranks 1-4.

Vehicles like the Sabrah, Pereh, etc would make great additions to Israel too, but Gaijin doesn’t focus at all on Israel. no unique tanks >low playerbase > low investment from Gaijin > no unique tanks


Meanwhile the Ariete featuring 58 tons of BT-5 level armour lmao

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