The Holiday Crate for Golden Eagles!

They could’ve just called these SCAM BOXES… this is a pathetic money grab


This is so unbelievably greedy

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I honestly think they where thinking about Gaijin fimling this:




How is this game still rated PEGI 12…


Picking up a Holiday Crate is a bargain!

Only in Gaijin’s imaginary world where buying premium boosters and SL for GE is in any way worth the money.

Not gonna lie, this is kind of hilarious and not in a good way. Thanks for the laugh, Gaijin. Merry Christmas and I’m keeping my money.


Gaijin needs to be willing to occasionally take a loss for their community like most other game developers with in-game purchases. Not suborn gambling on Christmas.

This community pays handsomely throughout the year.


No Tiger 105, panther 2 and SPAA 341 in crate, I’ll pass.

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Someone pointed out that the 2025 decal has the silhouettes for the Su-30, F/A-18, British Tracked Rapier, French Richelieu, Badger IFV/Skyranger 30, and possibly the South Korean K30 Biho/Swiss Fliegerabwehrpanzer 68.

Exactly! The same should be with the talisman and camos from the battle pass store crates.

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For 999GE I recieved 120k SL and 1 day premium account. Never felt more scammed in my entire life.


the ge crates are guarantied a vehicle every 14 crates i have opened 200 and yet havent even had one i have 5 vehicles to get that are no longer obtainable yet havent even seen one of them whats going on gajin wheres my vehicles

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You should have taken note of the conditions -

Gaijin thanks you for your kind donation.

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“Premium vehicles including unavailable for sale (15% chance but not less than once for every 14 crate openings); breakdown of chances by vehicle ranks:”

It states right there once every 14 crates will drop a vehicle and he still has 5 left to drop but they didnt drop. Only re-roll, conflicting with their own statement of 1 drops every 14 crates opened. I watched him open them and he didnt get them but instead useless re-rolls when it states right there 1 every 14.

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The picture I posted is at the bottom of that chances table - the rerolls are what you get if you already have the vehicle.

You misunderstanding it is your problem - not theirs

The page says 1 vehicle in every 14. That means 1 vehicle in every 14. Not a chance at a vehicle, a vehicle. So they are saying 2 conflicting things. When these came out 3 years ago I only needed 14 to get the single vehicle I was missing IIRC so, unless they changed the fine print I either got “lucky” or more realistically they arent stating the drop rate correctly.

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