These datas don’t give us an idea of the pen, do they ? I’m not very familiar with code like this, but explosive mass seems pretty good, on par with Italian and Japanese AP rounds…
I don’t think this is 100% correct for naval, but it’s still a good comparative reference imo. Keep in mind that it shows pen at 0m, whilst in-game statcards for naval shells start at 1000m. It’s best to just put in the data of all the 203mm AP shells in the game into that calculator and compare the results, instead of comparing calculated data with in-game statcard data.
Of course, the De Marre formula… Completely forgot about it. Thank you for the link.
Well, compared to the other, you could place it somewhere between the Italian and the Japanese round. AKA, a fairly standard but good 203mm AP round. Provided they go with these numbers (and the APCBC configuration), this is exactly what the French heavy cruiser line needs. Let’s hope they’ll go with it.
I bought the premium to compliment my lineup to grind the battleship and i definitely dont feel its worth the br jump. It doesnt feel any better at surviving vs the new bigher guns you face
Sorry for the late response, but thank you for your feedback!