“Fixed and moving ground track”
Can the F-15E also track fixed ground targets??
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After a 5 minute google search the AN/APQ-180(V) is a modified version of the AN/APG-70 for the AC-130. So no.
Yes. The APG-70 can target static targets.
But it requires radar functionality that isn’t in-game currently, and that ‘"certain’" radars have never received, I’ll let you guess which ones those are… So don’t expect to ever see that capability in-game.
Longbow already can find static targets
It can’t take radar images with a higher resolution than the full screen map, which is what the APG-70 is capable of.
G. The first thing on the page is the AN/APG 70 for the Eagle. Down on the page you have that as you said. “Added modes”
It can track “fixed ground targets” but that just means you designate a spot on the ground and it feeds the location data to your weapons for example, not that it can “lock” onto a static vehicle or the likes. Essentially like using the radar as a crude targeting pod to mark a spot. Doubt we’ll get the ground map modes etc in War Thunder any time soon
Yeah I missed where it says “fixed and moving ground track” on the operating modes part.
I’m pretty sure it’s just radar screening
In the dev blog, the writer stated the f15E will get a ground radar, by chance what would that be?
it has GMTI on dev which is ability to track moving ground targets
i think the bison already tracks ground targets?
im petty sure a few planes can, and a number of helis
pretty sure the ka52 always could do it so its nothing new for helis
yes they can. The ideea was that the F-15E could track them if they are stationary
War Thunder really needs to consider givning the synthetic aperture capability of NATO fighter jet radars. This feature was already integrated into the radar of the F-16C Block 40 Night faclon back in the 1980s, and in the future, we may see specialized SEAD aircraft like the F-16CJ.
Another thing that really frustrates me is how terrible the HUD of the F-15C in War Thunder is. It’s lacking almost all the essential functions; it doesn’t even display basic information like the vector, range and altitude of enemy aircraft, which is truly infuriating. I was hoping that the F-15E would have a brand new, more advanced HUD for air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, but instead, they just copied and pasted that awful F-15C HUD, which is filled with mistakes. The poor HUD has turned the SIM mode into a kind of torture
Who knows. There was 120B HUD text datamined, most likely for 15E
Irl it can’t, not via radar anways, just designate their position when visually identifying them using a radar HRM