The AIM-54 Phoenix missile - Technology, History and Performance

Not to mention the F-14B is the ONLY 13.0 in the entire game without IRCCM missiles. It’s ridiculous.

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Kfir C10 and premium JA37D, J8F

Both of those also have the good ARH missiles but yes. I suppose you’re right.

IMO F-14A Early and F-14B should gets AIM-9L and AIM-9Ms.

As for the D models or A late(hopefully), they can give them better AAMs such as AIM-9M-8 and AIM-7MH etc.


The D model would hopefully get Aim-7P Block 2, AIM-9M-8, Aim-54C ECCM, and Aim-120A/B


JA37Di enters the chat. J-8F enters the chat. Kfir C.10 enters the chat.

JA37Di enters the chat. Gets kicked because it has modern ARH missiles to carry it
J-8F enters the chat. Gets kicked because it has modern ARH missiles to carry it
Kfir C.10 enters the chat. Gets kicked because it has modern ARH missiles to carry it

The F-14B has nothing. It has nerfed Phoenixes, SARH missiles that simply don’t track sometimes, and Aim-9Ls. It’s radar is gimped, the flightmodel is gimped, the engines are gimped, it’s RWR and BOL pods were recently gimped, and on top of all that, the engine heat is astronomically over-tuned.


That’s not the point I was making at all. It’s still 13.0 as all of the other ones are, and they don’t have IRCCM IR AAMs either. You can be technical all you want, but it still outrages all of them with its missiles even in their nerfed state. Saying it’s the only 13.0 aircraft without IRCCM missiles is just blatant misinformation. Yes I agree it’s over tiered and needs its historical 9Ms and a historical Phoenix buff, but that’s the besides the point I was making.

I already acknowledged I was wrong above…

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8/31/22, 2:16 PM Raytheon AIM-54 Phoenix 1/5
Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
Copyright © 2002-2004 Andreas Parsch
Raytheon (Hughes) AAM-N-11/AIM-54 Phoenix
The AIM-54 Phoenix was so far the only very long-range air-to-air missile in service with the U.S. armed
forces, and was exclusively used by the U.S. Navy’s F-14 Tomcat fighters.
Development of the Phoenix began in late 1960, after the U.S. Navy’s projected F6D Missileer and the
associated AAM-N-10 Eagle long-range interception missile had been cancelled. Hughes then started to develop
a new long-range missile, designated AAM-N-11 by the Navy, together with the AN/AWG-9 FCS (Fire Control
System). The new missile and FCS used technology previously tested by the AIM-47 Falcon and AN/ASG-18,
respectively, in the USAF’s YF-12A program. The Phoenix/AWG-9 combination was originally intended as the
main armament for the F-111B, then planned to become the Navy’s new air superiority fighter and long-range
interceptor. In June 1963, the AAM-N-11 was redesignated as AIM-54A. Flight tests of XAIM-54A prototypes
began in 1965, and the first guided interception succeeded in September 1966. While the Phoenix test program
continued, the F-111B was cancelled, and the AIM-54 and AN/AWG-9 were incorporated into the new F-14
Tomcat, which was to take over the role of the F-111B. The first production AIM-54A missiles were delivered in
1973, ready for deployment with the first F-14A squadron in 1974.
Photo: DOD
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An F-14 can carry up to 6 Phoenix missiles, on LAU-93/A (F-14A/B) or LAU-132/A (F-14D) launchers,
respectively. The AN/AWG-9 FCS uses a TWS (Track While Scan) pulse-doppler radar, and can track up to 24
targets simultaneously at ranges of up to 240 km (130 nm). Therefore, an F-14 can effectively attack 6 targets
simultaneously. When an AIM-54A is launched, its Rocketdyne MK 47 or Aerojet MK 60 solid-fueled rocket
motor (in an MXU-637/B propulsion section) propels it to a speed of Mach 4+. For mid-course guidance, the
missile’s AN/DSQ-26 guidance section employs an autopilot, which gets regular target position updates by semiactive radar tracking. The FCS radar periodically illuminates every target to which a missile has been
dispatched. For maximum range, the missile flies an optimized high-altitude trajectory for reduced drag, and the
AIM-54A can engage head-on targets at a distance of up to 135 km (72.5 nm). For the final 18200 m (20000
yds) of the interception, the Phoenix switches to active radar homing for high terminal accuracy. Minimum
engagement range is about 3.7 km (2 nm), in which case active homing is used from the beginning. The 60 kg
(132 lb) MK 82 blast-fragmentation warhead is detonated by a fuzing system consisting of a MK 334 radar
proximity, an IR proximity, and an impact fuze.
Photo: DOD
There were several non-tactical variants of the AIM-54A. The ATM-54A was a version with inert warhead for
firing exercises, the CATM-54A was the captive (non-launching) version for target acquisition practice, and the
DATM-54A was a completely inert dummy missile for ground handling training. The AEM-54A was a variant
with special telemetry electronics for test and evaluation purposes.
The designation AIM-54B referred to an AIM-54A modified for easier production, including sheet metal instead
of honeycomb structure in the wings and fins. Some sources say that the AIM-54B was produced from 1977,
while others say it wasn’t built in quantity. The latter seems plausible, because although the U.S. Navy still lists
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many AIM-54As in its inventory, it doesn’t mention any AIM-54Bs. Another possibility is that the AIM-54B
was redesignated as a subvariant of the AIM-54A, because it was operationally identical to the latter. The
designations ATM-54B and AEM-54B were, formally at least, allocated to training and telemetry versions of
the AIM-54B, respectively.
In 1977, development of the significantly improved AIM-54C began. The AIM-54C features completely new
digital WGU-11/B guidance and WCU-7/B control sections. The missile incorporates a programmable digital
signal processor, and the autopilot now uses a strap-down inertial navigation system. One very important feature
of the AIM-54C is its vastly improved ECCM capability. Improvements in the rocket motor increase speed and
range, and the new DSU-28/B target detection device improves fuzing accuracy in high-clutter environments
and for small and low-altitude targets. The first XAIM-54C prototypes were delivered in August 1979, and after
tests with YAIM-54C missiles, production of the Phoenix switched to the AIM-54C in 1982. Initial Operational
Capability of the AIM-54C was reached in 1986. Non-tactical variants include the ATM-54C for firing
exercises, the CATM-54C captive (non-launching) version for target acquisition practice, and the AEM-54C
with special telemetry electronics for test and evaluation purposes. There is no DATM-54C, because the DATM54A is also suitable for AIM-54C ground handling training.
Photo: U.S. Navy
The AIM-54C was continually upgraded during production. Early in the production run, the MK 82 warhead
was replaced by a new WDU-29/B warhead in a WAU-16/B or WAU-20/B warhead section. The WDU-29/B
offers a 20 to 25 percent increase in effectiveness. Another improvement was the addition of internal
temperature compensation, which eliminated the need for the F-14 to provide temperature compensation liquid
during captive flight. Missiles with this feature, first delivered in 1986, are called “sealed”, and are sometimes
referred to as AIM-54C+. During the production, the ECCM capabilities were still further improved, and
“sealed” AIM-54C missiles with improved ECCM are known in the U.S. Navy as AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed.
This variant reached IOC in 1988. The guidance and control sections of the ECCM/Sealed missile are the WGU17/B and WCU-12/B, respectively, and the available warhead sections are the WAU-19/B and WAU-21/B. Other
improvements, which can be retrofitted to older AIM-54C rounds, include a reprogrammable memory, and new
software for the signal processor.
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Photo: DOD
When production ceased in the early 1990s, more than 5000 AIM-54 missiles of all versions had been built,
about half of these being AIM-54Cs. By the early 2000s, all operational Phoenix missiles were of the AIM-54C
variant, the remaining AIM-54As having been placed in storage. Because the Phoenix was used only by the F-14
Tomcat, it was planned remain in service as long as this aircraft (the F-14 will be phased out by 2007
approximately). However, the Navy officially retired the AIM-54 from fleet service already on 30 September
The AIM-54 was primarily designed for long-range fleet defense against incoming bomber streams, a threat
which has dimished nowadays. Although it can theoretically also be used against low-flying high-speed anti-ship
missiles, there are more effective weapons for this role. Currently, there are no plans to field any other missile
with Phoenix-like performance characteristics. The fleet defense role after the retirement of the F-14/AIM-54
combination will be taken by the F/A-18E/F Hornet armed with AIM-120C/D AMRAAM missiles.
Note: Data given by several sources show slight variations. Figures given below may therefore be inaccurate!
Data for AIM-54A/C:
Length 4.01 m (13 ft 1.8 in)
Wingspan 92.5 cm (36.4 in)
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Finspan 92.5 cm (36.4 in)
Diameter 38.1 cm (15 in)
Weight 453 kg (1000 lb) 462 kg (1020 lb)
Speed Mach 4.3 Mach 5
Ceiling 24800 m (81400 ft) 30500 m (100000 ft)
Range 130 km (72.5 nm) 150 km (80 nm)
Propulsion Rocketdyne MK 47 or Aerojet MK 60 single-stage solid-fueled rocket motor
Warhead 60 kg (132 lb) MK 82 blast-fragmentation 60 kg (132 lb) WDU-29/B blast-fragmentation
Main Sources
[1] Norman Friedman: “US Naval Weapons”, Conway Maritime Press, 1983
[2] Norman Friedman: “World Naval Weapons Systems, 1997/98”, Naval Institute Press, 1997
[3] Bill Gunston: “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rockets and Missiles”, Salamander Books Ltd, 1979
[4] Christopher Chant: “World Encyclopaedia of Modern Air Weapons”, Patrick Stephens Ltd., 1988
[5] Hajime Ozu: “Missile 2000 - Reference Guide to World Missile Systems”, Shinkigensha, 2000
[6] Bernard Blake (ed.): “Jane’s Weapon Systems 1987-88”, Jane’s, 1988
[7] “Navy Retires AIM-54 Phoenix Missile”, Navy Newsstand, October 2004
Back to Current Designations Of U.S. Unmanned Military Aerospace Vehicles


found this in archive thought it might be useful

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That information is incorrect, the XAIM-54 was already produced and tested from 1963, full scale AIM-54 tests from 1965.
That website is flawed, poorly sourced, and factually incorrect about the AIM-54 in many ways.

As you can see here directly from the Navy;

Anyone know why the iraninian f-14 cant carry 6 phoenixes/6 fakours?


There is no reason it cannot, it is just a decision from Gaijin.


and an all-aspect AESA radar compared to the F-14’s only Head-on PD


Whenever the F-14D is announced, can we get serious about having the Aim-54 fixed? (Ideally, this would’ve been solved YEARS ago and we should be actively working on it now) I’ve read through too much BS in this forum page. We need to put everything together to give Gaijin no excuse not to buff this missile to its real performance. Especially the C and the upcoming C+ ECCM/Sealed. Imagine if the F-14D doesn’t get Aim-120s and we’re stuck with the POS Phoenix on the greatest version of the Tomcat because of arbitrary drama that’s unfolded here. It seriously needs to be all hands on deck. Especially with the F-14 complaints generally somehow still rising, I bet Gaijin is itching for a reason to uptier the F-14s. We need to give them a reason that benefits us before they do it without any buffs.


for real tho, im on board

Bro what? What are these speeds?

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bol nerfs?

Its the biggest noobs and zombers that complain about the F14s… In their simple mind, it is ok to die from an IRCCM missile on a headon which there is very little they can do about, but god forbid if anyone dares to sling a missile at them from a distance beyond spotting range… Despite the ample warning they get, they still fly mostly straight because they got to grind these bases… Sadly these people’s complains have as much if not more gravity than you saying that its an over tiered aircraft that doesn’t have the equipment or flight performance to be able to fight planes on its br or higher that use modern missiles… And that is on top of gaijin being very “selective” on what considers a reliable source and cherry picking what to implement or not implement… (they dont want to add dual plane maneuvering, but they also dont want to make the missile as maneuverable as it is supposed to be because “reasons”)

This “all hands on deck” you are talking about has failed time and time again and I honestly dont have the energy or patience or connections to do what gaijin should have done in the first place… They even refuse to do the bare minimum and give the missile a good lofting profile, which was made by another player. We have ppl who are hiding behind things like, “the time to target fits the data” excuse, while disregarding the energy state at which the missile reaches its target… The iranian missiles work because their two stage missiles are favored by the game due to the physics being wrong… Its a game made for WW2 airplanes and everything else has been brute forced on top.

So good luck with that!