The AIM-54 Phoenix missile - Technology, History and Performance

I’m simply stating arguements people make to justify their beliefs.

I’ve generally covered what Tomcat drivers need to do to increase their kill probability with Pheonixs. It matters to me little that Russia has the 27ER, they are still defeated in relatively the same way as any other SARH. I still welcome any changes to improve the 54, especially as we move into ARH.

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How i makes de missile speed calculus?
By gzabi list aim54A delta(V)=1224 m/s at the conditions
Just do Vf=Vo+delta(V)?
For example i launch it at 300 m/s
Like a Vf=1224+300= 1524m/s?

Or the Torricelli calculus are the best method?

Launch speed + deltaV doesn’t incorporate drag and if you wanna be extra extra extra accurate you can factor in maximum trim and body drag during maneuvers etc which would require a full CFD.

What is the equation for it?, i am interest to know

Are you confusing me for BBCRF?

BBCRF? What it mean ?
I just want to know how to calcule the maximum speed of the missile
BBCRF is the calculus for it?

He’s referring to @BBCRF

This is basic information, you’ll learn faster from Google than waiting for me to reply and teach. Even so, better place for it is DMs or another media form.

Ok, but how i can start to search and learn to begining to the advanced, can you pass me the topics to study?
But if i know the Delta(S) of the missile while it burn, the distance that it burn, and end the burning and use Torricelli
If some missile burn for certain km, and use it with Vf^2=Vo^2+2aS?

and how do you take into account the resistance? and at different heights you will be different delta V

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Drag Force=cd×(0.7×atmospheric pressure×Mach^2)×Sm
Sm-the area of the missile’s midsection
it is necessary to make a complex calculation.Engine thrust at a certain temperature.What kind of acceleration does it give to take away the resistance

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Ok, i have a question what is the performance of speed of the aim54A and aim54C at:

In game? well below what it should be. IRL, Mach 4 and above.


Man, the NASA made some test with last aim54 on inventory, take some looks of the PDFs on the link aim 54 phoenix nasa pdf - Google Zoeken

Some pdf shows the performance on the test what in game should be near, i made some tests and the maximum speed that it reach is 700m/s,
It should go mach 5 at maximum of maximum

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New Air-Launched Small Missile (ALSM) Flight Testbed for Hypersonic Systems (

Has the clearest data. Simulation indicated that a no-loft launch at Mach 1.2 45k feet would burn out at about Mach 3.3 with Phoenix’s design weight.

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Imagine if it loft at 20km?, i think once again they will need to change again the aim-54 Ballistic

I don’t think the NASA tests are indicative of the real thing… I think the actual Phoenix used in service had a bit higher performance.

There is a form to take a official document performance graphics in some place? Or is very restricted?