The AIM-54 Phoenix missile - Technology, History and Performance

That’s already the case in WT, its not so much the AIM-54 itself as its an issue with the AWG-9’s TWS afaik.

Its one of the primary reason why the obnoxious TWS bug where the selected target and radar elevation and orientation randomly changes is so bad with the F-14; any change in elevation due to the bug can mess with if not outright ruin your TWS guidance. Its a major issue, but doesn’t seem to have any fixes in sight, nor do I expect gaijin, or most players to care, since it predominantly effects the F-14.

From what I saw it can’t currently can’t in game at all and you have to change soft lock from target to target to guide via DL, no? Asking cos don’t have F-14, can’t test myself.

Yeah I understand, cos AWG-9 isn’t ESA radar.

No, as long as you have 1 target soft locked and the radar passes over the other targets it TWS guides afaik. You don’t have to flip flop between targets afaik.

Thats not it either, its likely more of limitation of the radar since its an old analogue radar. A lot of ppl forget since the radar has a lot of features and is very powerful, but this is a radar from the 60’s. Its very old. F-16’s TWS has better scan heights and its also not an ESA radar. The AWG-9 can also scan/guide with better elevation, but has to reduce the scan width to do so.

I mean i own the F-14 in DCS and DCS/heatblur may not be 100% accurate but from what i khow is that in tws mode, the AWG-9 tries to maintain a tws lock on a target in that certain radar asimuth. So to actually defeat the radar/missile you have to knotch the radar or drastically drop in altitude

@Gunjob can a mod investigate , I don’t think this is respectful

It doesnt really bug me too much, I was more just answering Dragon. Could’ve probs just dm’ed it, or kept speculating out of it, tho im sure itll get flagged soon enough as well lol.

Itd be nice to get back on topic of the AIM-54 tho tbh, granted theres not much info to discuss anymore unless anyone finds any new sources for the devs to ignore.

does not change a thing , this is not why that option is exist , this is disrespectful

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Fair enough, I guess I’ve just become so jaded with the mechanics abuse on this forum and gaijins handling of certain things that I’ve just given up on even bothering

You do indeed have to cycle the soft-locked targets to update guidance for each individual missile fired. So you will have to remember which targets you fired at and cycle through them, a much easier feat done with cyclic targeting off.

Would be nice if they added a UI element indicating the targets you launched at

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Russian TWS is pretty trash, it doesn’t hook onto targets so it only holds tracks if the radar is already pointed at the target and stays within the elevation and azimuth, this makes it so its impossible to defend while holding a TWS lock

Better TWS modes are the ones that refresh quickly and hook onto a target, Mirage 2000 TWS is fantastic for example because it only scans 1 bar of elevation so it refreshes very quickly aswell as it also hooks onto the target so you can roll, bank, pitch, do whatever and the target stays hooked on TWS.

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Are you talking in-game or irl? Single bar TWS systems might refresh quickly, but they are also terrible at dealing with elevation changes of multiple targets, and at least for the AWG-9 TWS in game, it almost always loses the lock if you roll, bank, or roll and bank…

Im reffering to ingame, its useful for fastest refreshes when targeting a single target because it can account for target movements during your own movements. All around im not particularly fond of USSR/Russian aircraft TWS because they dont hook targets and either refresh very slowly (N019) or to have a decent refreshrate the azimuth is very small (bad for situational awareness and multi targeting)

AWG-9 TWS ingame i dont have much problems with, I have target cyclic off so I manually cue targets which helped with random target switches in the AWG-9.

We have very different AWG-9 TWS experiences then

Guys you dont understand. The AWG-9 is supposed to update and TWS guide the missile AUTOMATICALLY meaning no need to switch to every single target to update. This issue needs to be addressed and fixed.

I believe it already does this, my understanding is that as long as the other targets you have AIM-54s on are still on the scope alongside the other target you have “hooked” the AIM-54s will get datalink updates for their original targets

seems so, do you use cyclic button or manual cue?

Manual cue, ive long used fully manual radar since ive been a huge fan of radar missiles since i started using them.

It doesn’t, in order to provide datalink updates you have to soft-lock the original target(s).

Theres a critical mistake you make in your first test btw, very shortly after you soft lock your second target, the first target leaves your radar scope, so of course the missile cant get any guidance…