I think it’s a translation issue. The problem is I can’t even tell what his math is for. I think it’s something with the thrust? Or maybe I need the breadship
If it was a translation issue, the words themselves would be syntactically correct, there aren’t.
His previous posts are coherent.
So bummed phoenix won’t get fixed for the release of fox-3 missiles. Using your 17G brick vs incoming 35-40G arh darts will sure be fun…
Vaccum pod coef of the missile acceleration to reach aprox mach 5 because that weigth are kinda equalized but not, the problem in the game is above 7000m the performances need to be improved
The vaccum uses a chemical with ozonium and some other things to increase the thrust ration non equalized because its just the ETA booster Multiplier 1,55 with standard swift of 0,8 for more or less
Multiplier 1 55×t(s×2)=V
108 mean in kg the burn aprox
Seems to me more like an issue of someone not taking their pills, but jesus thats a lot of numbers.
Fr I think breaking into the Navy archives and just stealing the docs on it would be easier
Dude, where are you?
Is it even possible to get a final answer on whether or not the datalink works on multiple targets at the same time with the phoenix? (so only keeping targets on the tws radar scope, no soft lock)
According to this thread and the testing done, it doesn’t.
But apparently it does on the dev server with the new arh missiles. I want to know if this is a new thing for the fox-3 update or if it was always there.
It was always there.
I did this test with a friend of mine back when Aim-54 was released, with two missiles, data link works as advertised as long as the track never disappeared from your scope. But that was long time ago, so I don’t know if this was broken during these two years.
The issue issue is not and ETA Multiplier booster
Itd be really nice if we could at LEAST get a loft code improvement for the AIM-54C this update… a change to MP3 would allow the AIM-54C to atleast be competitive at range vs the new fox 3’s.

Any chance of this @Gunjob ? I’ve already done all the testing and provided the code, the change would take minutes at most, and the results of the change are already known and would be positive.
Probably better suited as a suggestion.