TAN-SAM-1C: Vital Air Defense

The TAN-SAM-1C is the result of an effort to develop a modern, missile-based anti-air system for the JSDF which up until then primarily relied on conventional weaponry. Arriving to top rank battles as part of the upcoming “Kings of Battle” major update, the TAN-SAM-1C will reinforce the Japanese SPAA line with a highly capable new SAM system!

TAN-SAM-1C: An SPAA for Japan at Rank VII!


  • Fire and forget missiles.
  • Excellent mobility.
  • Lightweight protection.
  • Large silhouette.
  • Two man crew.
Vehicle History

In 1966, Japanese engineers began work on developing a new short-range anti-air system capable of intercepting targets beyond fire distance of AA artillery. Furthermore, the new system was envisioned as a modern replacement to dated anti-air systems already in use with the JSDF such as the American M51 Skysweeper and M15A1 SPAAG. In order to fulfill these requirements, the decision was made to mount the missile system onto the Isuzu Type 73 truck chassis.

With development in full swing, the first prototypes had been constructed by the mid 1970s while field trials followed later in the decade. As the test produced positive results, the new SAM system entered service with the JSDF in 1980 under the designation TAN-SAM-1C “Tan-SAM”. However, even after the vehicle entered production, engineers continued tweaking the design, coming up with improved variants by the end of the decade.

The TAN-SAM-1C “Tam-SAM Kai” was one of these variants introduced in 1989, featuring not only improved missiles but also an updated vehicle chassis. This variant entered service with the JSDF in 1995 and continued being produced up until 2006. Thanks to its advanced design and continuous improvements, the TAN-SAM-1C remains in service with the JSDF to this day.

Meet the TAN-SAM-1C!

Coming to War Thunder as part of the upcoming “Kings of Battle” major update, the TAN-SAM-1C will arrive to Japan's ground research tree as a top ranked SPAA vehicle! Succeeding the Type 93 in the game, the TAN-SAM-1C will offer you more powerful and longer-reaching missiles, thus increasing the level of protection it can provide for allied ground units. Let’s dive into the details!

Developer’s comment: “The TAN-SAM missiles will have photo contrast mode, which allows for long-range capture against the sky in good daytime visibility. In this mode, the interference immunity is also higher. However, during night it’s not possible to capture targets against the ground background. For example, when you’re on the ground and you try to capture a target against the background of a mountain slope. We’ll tell you more about the photo contrast mode in another dev blog.”

Being accustomed to the compact Type 93, you may be left stunned by the bulky appearance of the TAN-SAM-1C at first glance. However, with its larger size also comes an expanded combat capability not least of which can be attributed to the vehicle’s formidable missiles. Bearing the same designation, the SAMs of the TAN-SAM-1C are also IR guided, similar to those found on the Type 93, but feature a vastly superior range and G-tolerance over their already familiar counterparts.

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As a result, you’ll be able to engage hostile aerial threats at greater distances and with greater efficacy. However, despite the missiles’ convenient fire-and-forget feature, they are still susceptible to being thrown off course by the timely use of countermeasures by their prey. Conserving ammunition and ensuring its efficient use is imperative with the TAN-SAM-1C as it only carries 8 missiles in total. This means that during a heated engagement with hostile air presence, the TAN-SAM-1C can’t boast about excellent combat endurance. Therefore, make sure to either pick your shots carefully or stay relatively close to strategic points in order to quickly rearm!

Did you know? TAN-SAM SAMs have been in service with land, sea and air units of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the country has never exported the system to foreign operators.

Fortunately, being based on a truck chassis, the TAN-SAM-1C features excellent mobility. Powered by a 286 horsepower diesel engine, the vehicle can reach a very respectable top speed of 90 km/h on paved surfaces and can quickly shift positions on the battlefield — a highly useful trait, especially when bearing in mind the need to rearm frequently in between engagements. On the flip side of the coin however, the TAN-SAM-1C is a very light vehicle and as a result features practically no protection to the threats of a modern battlefield.

In your matches: Pro-tips when using the TAN-SAM-1C by Tom (Oxy), WT Community Manager (TL): “Due to the limited ammo capacity it’s really important to pick your shots carefully. With any kind of anti-air it pays to be patient, as soon as an aircraft is aware of you they will become a lot harder to shoot down, so even if your target is within range I’d recommend holding off on the trigger for just a little longer until you have the clearest shot possible — the further away they are, the more time they have to avoid your missile.

The TAN-SAM-1C will soon be making its way to the top rank of the Japanese ground forces tree as a much anticipated reinforcement to the SPAA line as part of the upcoming “Kings of Battle” major update. Until then, keep an eye on our website for more devs, enjoy your matches and see you soon!

You can greatly speed up the research of the TAN-SAM-1C with this premium pack:

Type 16 (FPS) Pack
Type 16 (FPS) Pack
  • Type 16 (FPS)
  • Premium account for 15 days
  • 2000 Golden Eagles

Kick-start your Japanese vehicles research with this starter pack:

Japanese Starter Pack
Japanese Starter Pack
  • Chi-He (5th Regiment) tank
  • Ki-44-I 34 Shoki fighter
  • Premium Account for 7 days
  • 120000 Silver Lions

time to complain about mistral performance i guess, since they should be the same or even better in term of overload.


I would like to thank you for the implementation of the new SAM in Japan.
However, I would like to confirm one point: this vehicle is not originally designed to be used with launchers alone. It is necessary to operate a separate vehicle that uses radar.
It can be operated by itself when using IRH missiles, but in that case, you need to install a sighting device outside the vehicle to guide it (note: cannot guide it from inside the vehicle!).

In other words, the vehicle is not originally designed to be fired in this state. Does this mean that TAN-SAM is given special measures?
Or does it mean that if other vehicles have the same restrictions, we can ignore them and allow them to be implemented?

Finally, this has long been overdue. (Unlike the Pantsir)


I am not saying do not implement it. I am well aware of the dire situation of the AA tree in Japan, and I was actively collecting material on this vehicle in Japan. (At times I even searched the National Diet Library for materials with permission.)
But I have been unable to find any documentation that ignores the requirement that this vehicle requires the use of sights outside the vehicle.

If going to give a special exception, that’s fine, because AJ is actually implementing a special exception, and that’s the same thing.
But then I think there needs to be some official mention of it. I don’t want to see Japan being criticized for “preferential treatment”.
If going to give special treatment, you should give a clear explanation so that users who play in other countries will not criticize you.

So toyota is no longer top AA but we can now smack Kamovs out the sky more effeciently

Please do not label me. As I have written many times, I am thankful that this SAM is being implemented. If I didn’t want this vehicle in the first place, I wouldn’t bother to pay for it and look for the materials. I don’t deserve to be criticized by you who label others and don’t even try to find the materials by yourself.

I am just saying that if it is a special measure, Gaijin needs to mention it.
If you actually play the game in that country, you may understand it, but if you don’t play it, you may not understand it and may criticize it.
In Japan, there is a very good reason, and when Gaijin implemented AJ and R2Y2, they explained the reason to the players. and I am sure that more and more players were convinced by that explanation alone. It is the same thing.


just don’t say anything and flag him, he’s just being hateful and refuses to acknowledge your point no matter your arguments.

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I believe they just consider the little tripod optic good as mounted on the truck since vehicles like the Zachlam Tiger which had movable controls for the ATGMs are also considered hard mounted.

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can’t wait for this to have a range of fifteen feet against helicopters like every other IR SAM

As with the JGSDF version of the Type 11, the Type 81 mod.(C) can be operated independently and does not require any seperate vehicle.
Both launcher vehicles are equipped with a Key-Control-Unit (KCU) with an optical sight on a tripod that can be used to control the fire control system.
In any case, FCS trucks with radar are only necessary if you want to lock targets with radar; These targets usually include smaller drones, cruise missiles and the like, which cannot be seen with the naked eye or in bad weather conditions. The ARH missiles of both systems (Type 81 and Type 11) can receive launch parameters and, after launch, use on-board Radar.


I am sorry. This was the first time I experienced something like this on this forum. I will use the flag feature next time.

I see that the Zachlam Tiger was also a Vehicle that needed to be guided outside the vehicle. So it seems possible that nowadays this method is not a problem in terms of implementation conditions.

Yes, that is correct. The modified Type 81 (modC) and Type 11 can use SAM by placing an installed sighting device outside the vehicle. It was previously considered that it would be difficult to implement this method in Vehicle. (So we were trying to find a way to launch SAMs in a way that would meet the implementation requirements.)
However, as mentioned above, if the Zachlam Tager has already been approved, it may mean that even this type of vehicle can be implemented under the current implementation conditions.
I have high hopes that the Type-11 will be able to be implemented well enough! Some Vehicles from other countries have not been implemented under the same conditions, and the diversity of Warthunder tanks seems to be expanding. Thank you.


This isn’t directed exclusively at you, but in general I think there’s more precedent in War Thunder for this sort of thing than most give it credit for. The Tager is the most obvious example but there’s plenty of other technical roles on vehicles that must be managed by an external operator or equipment that most don’t think about or really question.

The Sturmtiger needed an external operator to deploy and use the crane to assist in loading, for example. A large amount of vehicles have top mounted machine guns that required a crew member to be physically out of the tank behind the turret to operate but we have no models for managing them. If we wanted to get really pedantic about it, how the hell do we repair vehicles without having crew leave the tank?

I think these types of small adjustments for systems that can be deployed by a single operator are… Forgivable. Particularly if the Tan Sam needs to be at a full stop before it can lock and fire. Personally I would have rather we gotten some sort of true mobile SPAAM through a subtree or something but I think the standard has been established well enough that this isn’t a deal-breaking departure from established game mechanics.


Will stingers and mistrals be corrected now?

Their overloads are well documented to be above the pathetic 10g and 12g they currently have.
Also the lock range is just laughable compared to real life stats.



What? Are you going to ask for the seekers to be modeled right next? Or stinger K’s datalink to be added?

Lmao even