Taiwanese F-16 didn't get AMRAAM?

If it weren’t for Taiwan’s cowardice, China might be short of this plane

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agree, they give our tank and plane for enemy but for same reason they magicaly give VT-4 to china line not japan & tailan line because china doesnt like japan use there weapon. it just double standards.

I mean the vt-4 is Chinese, so it makes sense that it went to China. Should go to Japan too though.

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Well that is if a Thai subtree was to come out. I agree though VT4 should be more widely used partly so all the bugs could get fixed although I don’t see why I would even grind it LOL. I am literally grinding Z9W and then realised TY90 got a 15G overload nerf. Should I go back to VT4?


The vt4 is actually really good. I use it as a second or third spawn so I don’t die to CAs and it’s just a solid tank. Armor is better than you’d expect.

Right, but TY90 obvious stealth nerf is so frustrating. GAIJING should tell us when they balance a missile never mind it was fine where it was, all it is is a better STRELA 10 M2, nothing special anyway, now that they nerfed it it should at least be in the changelog.

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well TY90 is still fun but just not that aggressive

But the aggression was why was the reason I grinded for, and its stealth nerf without compensation for Helicopters like Z9W at 10.0 is quite annoying.


TY-90 has always been 20Gs