its just a basic skin, there’s nothing to add.
Why do you promote one of the worst things about War Thunder currently? Does the copy paste not depress you in any way?
I don’t mind copy and paste, as long as it’s not on a large scale like a whole tech tree full of it.
No from me - doesn’t really fill a gap, and really just copy paste.
Russia is one of the last nations that needs a copy-paste especially from a tree that has 23 less tanks while sharing more of their own tree with more nations already.
Trialed once and scrapped is enough to justify being added added? Good, Give the US every MBT from the T-55 to the T-90 that they captured/purchased, Evaluated, And continue to use in crew training to this day then.
Not really the point of the suggestion, but then again I’m not the only one making them, I’ve seen a lot more British suggestions for trialed copy and paste.
Most of my recent ones are lend leased vehicles from WW2 that deserve a spot in the tree.
Tested only? Then:
+1 for event/BP.
I find tested vehicles make better rewards than locking something unique/key to the nation’s history(or with a different operator nation) behind them.
Thankfully with all the negative votes these copy paste suggestions are getting, there’s a very low likelihood of it getting added.
Iirc the votes on posts don’t actually effect if they get added or not, I think it’s more so effects if they get passed or not, but I could be wrong on that last part.
Personally +1. Gives a chance for British T26E3 to come and could be a cool event vehicle to go with the 6.7 lineup.
I’m still waiting on one to get suggested, I support it.
I think 595 is bigger number than 585
I would like to think you are right but not so sure.The BP prize is more copy paste.