Swedish T-80 U BR concern

Lol it cannot be in the same br as T-80B, one of them is clearly a direct upgrade in pretty everything, have you saw the zoom level of T-80U?

No listen, I dont hate britain but why the fuck does the swedin T-80U lacks everything and it is still up 1 BR higher than the bishma

u get constant uptier, the zoom dont do shit.

again, check the overall stats and the shell type. The t90a has better shell while the bishma doesn’t (same with the Swedish T-80 U) but the bishma gets a lower BR. The Swedish T-80 U get put to top tier in most game, which doesn’t happen if its 10.7

Again I think main problem here is constnt uptires… Uptire should only be if you won a few games in row or had high kill count… otherwise you play tire you choose… Until that happens you will never have balanced game and will constantly change unnecessary things that wont reslove nothing.

reminder that the T-80 U swedish one is also 11.3 and the USSR T-80 U literally can do so much more if it gets uptier

again its nearly impossible for it to get a downtier

And thats a serious issue…Like I dont know how people are not going crazy over this…

Like there is a reason why there is 10.0 BR and 11.0 BR…Hows that so hard to understand… Like I wanna play 10.3 USSR and my last 100 games were 11.0-11.3 just crazy…annoying and really bad

Looks like my info was outdated, so I will update:

T-80U🇸🇪 is now 11.3 and gets 3BM42

T-80U🇷🇺 is now 11.7 and gets 3BM46

That is the only difference between the two. So one is now a higher BR bracket than the other due to ammunition.

Bhishma was moved from 10.3 to 10.7 as part of the nation-wide decompression which affected EVERYBODY.

I know right. absolutely suffering

i guess ill have to keep the suffering going >:(
