Sukhoi Su-30MKK

I’d rather see J11B, and I don’t think MKK would have performed better in games than J11B

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on a dark desert highway

The Su-30MKK is multirole. It should go underneath the JH-7A.

I mean in terms of air combat, the radar of the J11B could be more advanced. As for the ground aspect, if fighter planes can attack the ground in the future, won’t the attack planes be useless?

I expect the multi-role Flankers, Su-30MKK, Su-30MK2 and J-16 to go after JH-7A


both get the upgrade

Irrc Su-30MK2 got the upgrade last year (or 2)

I remember reading the PLAAf didn’t want to upgrade the Su-30MKK because they found it unnecessary.

This is an interesting development

Honestly this could already come with RVV-AE and R-73E.

I bet this will coming in the winter update honestly. It has similar capability as the Russian Su-27SM.

I don’t think that’s necessary, you can introduce it with the PL-12s and R-73Es.

I don’t see this coming before the J-11B/J-15 however so I don’t see why it couldn’t get PL-8Bs as well.

I suddenly had a desire for this MKK again, and I felt that the two-seater flanker was so graceful (and his excellent CAS capabilities, lol) that I would rather exchange the J-10B for the appearance of the Su-30MKK in the game :D

Typo btw

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Suggestion Edited. Typo in Background fixed.

" R-77-1 "

Who know Su-30MKK armed RVV-SD ?

R-77-1 is RVV-SD irrc

Does this aircraft have an optoelectronic sighting pod? From what I found, only a blurry interview photo could have been shown to be equipped with a Peregrine-E pod. So I would like to ask if there is a more accurate source.

Although not imaged such pod is required to guide some of its munitions (KH-59) so even outside of sources I’d assume it did.

In other words, MKK does not have an optoelectronic targeting pod similar to the K/ADC03A or Lightening II?

R-77-1 would still be worse than the AIM-120A

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