Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

in a 1v1 in game it very hard with the su27 to get a good shot

that’s what I am saying
@Panther2995 “Su-37” (Su-27M2) was just one of the Su-27M (T-10M, T-10M-11 in case of Su-37) (which export name was Su-35) that was tested with TVC engines, modern current Su-35S is overall better than Su-27M(2) both in flight perfomance and electronics. Modern Su-35 doesn’t have canards because it would be rudiment for it.

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As it should be considering Su-37 was never adopted but lesson that was learned on it used on Su-35.

But doesnt change the fact that Su-37 was actually newer (first flight date) and proposed different things when it comes to flight performance(such as canards in that case).

All Su-27M had canarads. Su-37 (Su-27M2) isn’t something special. It’s just Su-27M with TVC engines that weren’t even installed on it for all of its life time.

Never said it was, where did you get that idea?


Are you sure about that claim? Cause last time i checked Su-37 was suppose to fitted with TVC.


“Su-37” is just one of 17 T-10M planes, when Su-37 crashed it had common AL-31F engines (TVC from it were removed in ~2001).

So it had TVC during its life time at some point.

As I said

Ok then seems like a misunderstood happened on that part, my bad.

IRST angles fix


Nice, now they just need to fix the detection range and the IRST will finally be usefull


Yep, can’t even front lock afterburning Gripen at 7-8 Km iirc

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They also need to add some form of CM filtering, my IRST gets flared more often than the R-73 (huge achievement for the IRST)

Fixed Su-27 fuel tanks and ruined J-11 fuel tanks 🤦‍♂️



SPO-15 on Su-27 is working in cockpit view now.


Hell yes. That’s huge.

I love that. It’s also actually giving you a bit more info since you can now see if the target locking you is lower / higher than you =)

We are so back

can the su-33 be equipped with r-77