Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I can neither confirm nor deny that the charts are from the Su 27 manual. I don’t know. It could be calculations, or prototypes, or a production Su 27.

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The permissible coefficient of lift. That is, at an acceptable angle of attack.But not on a critical level


If we talk about maneuverability, the Su-27 significantly surpasses the F-15, F-16 to speeds of 700 km/h


It agrees with the opinion from a friend, an RAF test pilot, but he says that doesn’t mean that the Su 27 automatically wins because the pilot is decisive. Curiously he would have taken the F-15 himself.

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Yes, you’re right, a lot depends on the pilot.However, if the pilot’s level is the same, the Su-27 is superior to the F-15


In low speed yes, F-15 pilot must be significantly more experienced or otherwise better.
After a certain mach number they are equal and if the speed increases the F-15 is slightly better. It also has to do with the F-15’s emphasis on maneuverability at transonic speeds. Boyd’s theories apply to the F-15 as well as the F-16.

In the language of numbers according to subjective perception it goes something like this: below 375 knots the Su 27 is better , between that speed and M0,85 they are equal and above that speed the F-15 is at an advantage. Surely there is an influence of subjective bias and experience.


Just an FYI, you don’t have to “save it”.

Just change master to whatever version you want. This is also why you don’t have to save the current one.


If you think that the F15 always has to fight at low speeds, then the Su-27 would be superior. In reality, due to the F15’s BVR advantage, it almost always forces opponents into a defensive position in the early stages of combat, and then approaches defensive targets with its excellent speed. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see this in games for several reasons. The F15 should have the advantage from the outset of the engagement.

No? It literally gives exact file ages and the date of the last change, as well as pointing out differences between alike files in something like Np++.

Every .blkx file is measured by its edit date. If it has been edited, differences are then detected. It cannot get any easier than this.

For models? If there was a physical model change, you have to hand-pick that difference. If any figure pertaining to that piece of the model is changed, though, it’s detected automatically.

Oh my, not the fancy tools! I didn’t know Notepad++ was all that special…

Such a hypocrite.

In terms of repair and replacement? Or is it just a 2p2 swap?

Replacing the engine with a new one


Debate discusses strengths and weaknesses without preferences

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Why does the F-15 suddenly have a BVR advantage over the Su-27? if the detection distance is almost the same for both.And the R-27ER is superior to the AIM-7


APG-63 has between 54% more range(if we take the high value for N001) and 93% more range(with the low value in N001) with HPRF.
It doesn’t have that classic 30% loss in range N001s and N019s have for a radar lock but ~10% loss.
Better antenna with much lower sidelobes(slotted array against inverse cassegrain).
Things like NCTR to tell what you are against
A smaller beam width allowing better resolution
And when you need better resolution, modes like RAM(If pre-MSIP) allow you to view closely spaced targets

Filters, performance, reliability, etc

Could be argued. One has longer guidance time, guidance algo, lofts, can be shot farther and no RWR warning when firing the sparrow.
But the ER has obscene kinematic performance.

And don’t forget the get classic SPO-15 RWR which lights up as a “christmas tree” when the Radar or Jammer is in use. Which unironically limits you to using either one of these 3: RWR or Radar or Jammer

But SU-27 has basically datalink which is a nice big plus.

Ok and how do you compare the files not shared via Datamine?

Unless… you actually believe that every single game file in all of WT, every single modelling parameter that can possibly be altered by developers is shared publicly every single update no matter how small and insignificant?

If you have a personal issue with those who enjoy & find hobby in providing the community Datamine reports believing it to be nothing special. Take it up with them, not me.

Can you provide any proof?

By the looks of it I am pretty humble, I admit mistake and always acknowledge the possibility I am not correct. I am even praised for it.

Why are you so offended? I do not even know you.

Do you have anything to add regarding the Su27? Please actually fly it some matches and let me know what your thoughts are. Thats what matters to me. Is it performing good or needs work? Where and why?

Just want to say - the developers have done something to fix the Starstreak for the Stormer HVM, and as far as I know it hasn’t appeared in any datamines/changelogs.

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Such as?

Aw man, you’re gonna hate this…


You wouldn’t have a game, nor assets for a game, if you did not have some way for players to access the files of the game. If you simply didn’t have those files, you wouldn’t have a game.
Funnily enough, the files we are judging are the core of the game itself. Without them, you can’t play.

I don’t. I have an issue with ignoramuses claiming that this is some specialized action that only very few people can do. The unpacking and formatting software is free, and the files are in your directory. From there, it’s quite literally drag and drop.

Then again, I apparently don’t have datamine tools… They’re hard to come by, you know!

Proof of my joke that only has a basis in personal experience? Sure, yeah, lemme grab that for you.

Why are you making asinine claims? You speak as if you know what everybody does, has, and thinks, and you’re adamant on your belief that you can’t see every single change made to the game.

I’m sure.
Sounds humble to me, I especially loved the part where you were the topic of the Su-27 mattered to you.

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Do you have an approximate timeframe for this? It’s a thread from over half a year ago, so it’s hard to narrow down what “fix” Smin is talking about.

Nothing gets past you, huh?

I understand you are angry; I’ll give you space guy who I do not know.

Do you have anything to say in regard to the Su27? I am more than happy to hear your feedback and experience & research on the aircraft. Can never be too much research on the Flanker.

Again with the hypocrisy. You claim people don’t have the tools to dig into datamines, I provide you with the exact file and an entry-level program to allow you to format them.

You then deflect multiple times, claiming I’m off topic or “angry”. I’m not angry, and you weren’t on-topic to begin with.

It’s a plane? It carries missiles, a gun, it has engines, a pilot.

But again, would you like to address how staggeringly wrong you are about datamining?

Hell, let’s start here. Download Notepad++ and get these plugins.

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