Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yeah, that is why alongside high thrust to weight & supermaneuvrability low observability (stealth) is called for as well too. These are the requirements of 5th generation air superiority fighters.

Remember the missiles you mentioned are very fast, any disruptions in signal for just a few second causes a huge gap in tracking. These missiles need to mass calculate speed and distance and constantly calculate lead many times a second. Any small breaks in that signal processing causes miscalculation in their fire control in the miss or housing aircrafts radar.

The Aim120 is still very dependent on the launching platforms radar and data until it goes in the terminal. I do not know much about the missiles you mentioned but I would not doubt they are similar.

Yeah, I think it performs alpha at least over 60 degrees at 800km when under 50% internal fuel and light weapons load.

I claimed it affects the cobra manuever at lower speeds and urged people to check it out to help me clarify. After a long pissing contest, and suffering from damaged pride you finally done so. However, we determined the cobra is hard locked at 450km any lower you will pitch up and down, sometimes uncontrollably.

Now that you are done fixating on the Cobra. Can you answer some of my questions and then we can move on to other maneuvers associated with supermaneuvrability?

What are you talking about as far as pitching up and down uncontrollably? Do you have a demonstration?

The up/down pitch is probably due to you not trimming the aircraft.

cope, it’s cheaper than most 4.5th gens while being better in every way :)
there’s a reason so many want to buy it and nobody wants nonexistent crap like the Su-75

Hold on wait… Never mind the jets good forget about it!

The target doesn’t know it is under attack until the last moment, its RWR picks up the missile’s own homing warhead, which is traveling at Mach 5, and the target is in a no-escape zone.
The missile has a long range, about 400 km in glide mode and about 120 km or more in active mode.

I digress, now I remembered that Gripen can fire the missile in passive mode, target acquisition is via datalink. The target doesn’t know it’s being attacked. I’m sure plenty of tactics will be developed for covertly hitting the target.

And I forgot about the Chinese and their PL-15, it ranks with the Meteor as one of the best missiles.
The Amramm is a bit old, the AIM-120D is the last one for now, but it doesn’t reach the qualities of the Meteor, PL-15, ( R-37M is a specific case), at least according to the statements.

The AIM-260 is the replacement for the AMRAAM.

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Too bad for me that you don’t give a manal, but of course I understand.

It is not my fault that you keep posting complete nonsense.

The Cobra is not hard locked at 450kph.

In the book by Menitsky, the author mentions that the first with the Cobra maneuver was the MiG 29 and then the Su 27, I might find a date if it is in the chapter

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Yep, sure I was mistaken, no worries! The jet is performing really good actually in full real. Even at .80.

Have you gotten a chance to play it today @BBCRF ?

I am glad you are able to humble yourself and admit your mistake.


Yw Sure, GJ changed the model, and I am loving it now in full real. Ripping is really hard now.

Oh hey, can you admit you mistakenly posted a NASA description of transonic capable aircraft. Specifically, Airliners and thought it was actually relevant? Lol.

From the book :
Кстати, традиционно принято считать, что первыми и единственными «кобру» сделали и до сих пор делают только лётчики фирмы Сухого, хотя это не так. Первыми эту фигуру пилотажа сделали микояновцы (правда, мы её называли по-другому и выглядела она несколько иначе). Потом этой фигурой вплотную занялись в ЛИИ Игорь Волк и Леонид Лобас — они-то и являются настоящими её создателями именно в том виде, в каком мы её знаем сегодня. Но показать впервые публично эту действительно эффектную фигуру пилотажа выпала честь лётчику-испытателю ОКБ им. Сухого Виктору Пугачёву. С лёгкой руки журналистов и руководителей суховской фирмы его и окрестили создателем «кобры». А Виктор никого разубеждать в этом не стал и в ответ на недоуменные вопросы коллег только отвечал:

— Кому надо, тот пусть и доказывает, что не я придумал «кобру», а мне это не мешает.

Я бы не стал об этом писать, но есть в этой позиции какая-то некорректность по отношению к Волку и Лобасу, людям достаточно известным и авторитетным в наших кругах. Всё-таки фигуры пилотажа придумываются не каждый день, и хочется, чтобы авторство принадлежало их настоящим создателям.

By the way, it is traditionally believed that only Sukhoi pilots were the first and the only ones to make the cobra, although this is not true. Mikoyanov pilots were the first to make this aerobatics figure (though we called it something else and it looked a bit different). Then Igor Volk and Leonid Lobas at the LII were closely involved in this figure - they are the real creators of it in the form in which we know it today. But the first public demonstration of this truly spectacular aerobatics figure fell to the honour of Victor Pugachev, a test pilot of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. He was easily dubbed the creator of the Cobra by journalists and Sukhoi executives. Victor did not dissuade anyone of this and in response to his colleagues’ perplexed questions he only replied:

  • "Whoever needs it, let him prove that it was not me who invented the cobra, and it does not bother me.

I would not write about it, but there is some incorrectness in this position in relation to Volk and Lobas, people who are quite well-known and authoritative in our circles. After all, aerobatic figures are not invented every day, and we would like the authorship to belong to their real creators.

I couldn’t find a date.

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It wasn’t specific to airliners.

Speeds over 250mph and below 760mph are considered high subsonic in general aviation terms which is why I was asking what source you were using to define the term.

The speeds that the Su-27 can cobra actually end up falling slightly below the lower end of that definition.

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Speed regimes for aircraft with turbofan engines, Aluminum Skin & Swept Wings


LMFAO He is trying to defend it! He actually still doesn’t know. Makes it more hilarious!

Speeds at which transonic aircraft typically fly are over 240mph but less that 760mph.

Aircraft like jet airliners fly above 250mph but less than 760mph!

The reason NASA says less than 760mph is because above 760mph would no longer classify an airliner as a high subsonic aircraft. Still Transonic though, but It would be in the realm of low supersonic until it passes Mach 1.2 in which then it is properly classified as supersonic.

Let me know when you figure it out. You’ll get there.

I believe in you!

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I don’t think this is very friendly discussion etiquette.

On that same note, I think that this argument is going to run circles for hundreds of comments as it usually does… perhaps we give it a rest. I’m fairly certain anyone following the conversation can see what you are posting positively refutes whatever nonsense is coming from the other end of the discussion.

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About the cobra on the MiG-29, I will read the book “MiG flight through time”

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Oh I like Feety. He is cool. Leave him alone.

Stay in your lane. Please mind your own.

Many aircraft performed the cobra maneuver before the Su-27.However, the AoA was not above 90 degrees there.The Su-27 reached 110-120, the same thing was repeated by the MiG-29M when it had a FBW

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