Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

As long as it close enough then it should be fine

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So how about the G limit and AoA? The SDU-10 has an option to disable the limit, but I think the limit can also be " overridden" by increasing force on stick.

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The answer is that the Gripen is very likely overperforming compared to its real life counterpart. It is a .9 thrust to weight ratio delta wing fighter…which usually translates to high AoA ability and speed bleed in War Thunder, but for whatever reason Gaijin decided to make the flight model feel extremely similar to the F-16A because that just happens to be what it is most commonly compared to.

Is this accurate? Most likely no. However most of the people saying that it isn’t don’t have any proof outside of basically saying “look at it…it’s a delta wing like M2K…ergo it should perform the same or worse in turns.”

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As it is very similar to F16 is literally irl performs just as well
Another guy going look delta wings must be bad


Where did I say that delta wings must be bad?

There really isn’t any evidence one way or the other about Gripen flight performance. I think it is a perfectly reasonable question to ask why it ends up performing the way that it does in the game when there doesn’t seem to be a lot of basis for it.

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i clearly just miss read what you said sorry

This is the same for a lot of more modern stuff as the info will becomes harder to find


R.I.P. To one of our strongest soldiers.

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Probably the best kinetic idea for the Gripen is an F-16 with slightly worse steady state agility and better instantaneous.
It doesn’t have as powerful an engine, but then again it has better aerodynamics.

f you overpower the lever, you will not get a lot of AoA, you need to turn off the limiter


It has dogshit IRCCM because nato crybabies want it to be like that. While 9M gets better IRCCM than it had IRL. Good luck hitting a grippen on auto flare for 10 minutes. Good luck dogfighting anything in SU-27, it sucks at what it was designed for in the game.


In the future I want to see Su-34 basic in USSR/Russia tech tree


Yes, literally EVERYONE has a strike fighter with thermals, except Russia in the game.


9M is actually missing IRCCM features and there is a bug report in for it

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Those features would make it worse in game , that’s what I’m saying. I hope they implement them.

Not exactly it would buff it some ways to

Su-34 won’t change that.

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Better hope for some Indian migs then

The Punjabi bros need some love

9M is functioning worse than IRL, R-73 is functioning exactly as it performs IRL, I’m sorry for your persecution complex


Where have you seen indian mig with t-pod? And gaijin most likely will make their typical garbage move and add indian-russian planes to Britain.