Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I was wrong, that was in response to the MiG 23M

I have a question, did the VVS pilots train the Cobra ? I found information that it was forbidden to practice it because several planes got into an unrecoverable spin and crashed into the ground.

From paralay (for those who don’t know, it’s a Russian millitary server), quote ( it is supposed to be a test pilot from Sukhoi):
“The importance (” Cobra") is rather in the psychological preparation of pilots, in expanding the limits of the idea of the capabilities of the aircraft. Well, and the parades. It was only done by a few people in the regiment. The speed range for entering this maneuver is very narrow +_ 50 km/h. The tactical value of the maneuver itself is rather questionable, it’s rather tricky. Incidentally, it was with the 279th Regiment that the aircraft crashed while performing it, P.P. Kretov successfully ejecting in a reverse spin. It was May 11, 2000, after that no one else in the regiment performed “cobras”.

According to the manuals, exceeding the normal AoA limits is forbidden. I don’t think the spins were unrecoverable, just lacked necessary altitude to recover.

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I added the original quote in the previous post.

I mean, let’s say it’s very likely that there wasn’t much maneuver practice above 24 AoA ?

In the case of the F-15, there are also really few people could fly an Eagle at low speeds and high AoA because it already requires a good, talented pilot. Who knows what he can still afford and what he can’t.

According to the manuals, exceeding the normal AoA limits is forbidden. I don’t think the spins were unrecoverable, just lacked necessary altitude to recover.

That’s a question we don’t know the answer to.

Without knowing the circumstances, people write complete nonsense

The Russians had few training hours in the air back then , why couldn’t that be true ? The fact that it is a well known Russian site lends credibility , the description also seems quite credible to me.

No, it’s written complete nonsense.The only truth is that the Cobra maneuver was performed before

Why is that stupid? Can you elaborate?

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Kinda off topic guys but i’d like to ask, is the gripen accurate at all? Like i have almost all the 4th gen (including the gripen) but none of them is even close to it in terms of flight performance… If it’s really accurate then i’m really surprised and i can say my country did a great deal IRL lmao

I don’t know, I don’t have a Gripen, but I wouldn’t bring the game any closer to reality.
But the JAS-39 is good, not many people know that though. A friend of mine works as a technician at Gripen and I have plenty of first hand knowledge. It’s a good plane.

The pilot’s erroneous actions led to the accident, not the Cobra maneuver

Maybe so, especially if pilots are to stay ideally below 24 AoA unless they are already good enough to get above 24 AoA.

Above 24 AoA, the limiter of the limit modes will not give you

@BBCRF can never elaborate. They just deny anything that portrays Russia too accurately.

The Gripen is a fantastic plane in real life. People on the forums were just expecting it to be bad because:

  1. GJN was planning to give it to the UK, and the UK doesn’t receive useable vehicles in game normally
  2. It’s not made by USA or Russia, so Americans/Russians presume it’s bad.

Not what i thought but what i thought gajin might think but i was wrong as it is great in game

Well as a brazillian i always liked the gripen, i just didn’t knew it was going to be that good, thus, i’m surprised. If it really is like that then i’m inclined to accept as i learned a lot of things about aircraft in general throughout the past year, i tried to seek for info about the plane but is quite confusing, which is normal since the gripen is a relatively new platform compared to other aircraft. I guess only time will tell if it’ll keep that performance on the next months.

The FM is not accurate for a number of reasons…

The negative static stability is not modeled at all.
The thrust is above real world performance a bit (and drag is higher than it should be as a result).
The top speed is far too high, acceleration in supersonic region as well as when ordnance is mounted.

Overall, specific excess power is seemingly far too high… the aircraft needs to be reworked in the future but Gaijin isn’t willing to make such changes on aircraft once they’ve been in the game for a while. This is probably how it will remain for quite some time.


Not the only aircraft with wrong thrust sometimes they leave how it is as they can’t get it to work
Like the Harriers thrust is wrong but its only like that as wouldn’t take off if it was for some reason

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That is quite a unique case, there aren’t really many other aircraft in the game with incorrect thrust. Those that do have incorrect thrust lack necessary information to model them properly. In the case of the Gripen it was just a developer decision.

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