Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I think that the reasons that I feels so prominent is because the Su-27 has two different weapon groups for the R-73’s because gaijin hasn’t fixed that interface wart yet. I want to say that under normal conditions the most external missiles tend to fire first. So wingtip missiles are normally exhausted before you’re likely to lose a wingtip. But with the Flanker you can accidentally start shooting your more centrally mounted R-73’s first if you select the wrong R-73 missile grouping.

You’re also more likely to notice the problem since normally a plane that’s missing a wingtip is no longer in a position to fight, so even if you lost the missile you probably wouldn’t have attempted to use it because you’re either moments from death or limping back to base. But with the capability of the R-73 to do off boresight attacks combined with the usage of the HMD to acquire locks, a crippled Su-27 can still potentially acquire missile locks and kills against nearby targets even if she’s busy flat spinning to the ground.

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Actually it’s not always true… In F-16 missiles at the wing tip prevent wing from buffeting. Even at displays F-16 have fake missile or special weights at the wing tips. But I don’t know if it’s true for Su 27

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This effect was also noticed when they placed fuel tanks on the wing tips of the Starfighter.

I’m not sure what the behavior is supposed to be for the Su-27 since it has a distinct weapon group for the wingtip R-73s. I guess I’ll mostly chalk up losing wingtip missiles being more noticeable since the HMD+R-73 combo makes you more likely to notice the absence of lost missiles in a crippled state where other planes wouldn’t be likely to get a shot off in the first place.





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@Giovanex05 @DracoMindC
Would you guys mind trying out some of the aerobatics described in the Su-27 manual such as the nesterov loop or spirals? They explain how much altitude or speed loss should occur and some angles. If this does not reflect in the game I think it is sufficient evidence to show that the specific excess power is incorrect and Oswald efficiency would need to be raised.

Whenever i notch a MiG-29 or Su-27, i notice they can still keep the lock on me and missile warning still goes on for a while. they are perfectly placed at 9-3 o’clock on SPO-15. And what’s more interesting is sometimes missile still manages to splash when i dive down aggressively while notching.

However, whenever i lock on someone and they start to fly perpendicular to my radar my lock instantly drops and the TWS contact goes invisible for a while until they are out of the 3-9 zone. all of this happens at high altitude so there is no ground clutter. I drop chaff at random intervals as well. Does anyone know why this happens? Mirage, Gripen, Eagle i can notch them all day and the lock drops eventually. However if it is an Fulcrum or Flanker the lock just stays there…

Is the sea level top speed correct? I’m reaching over 1500kph on the flanker

I turn almost all the way around and chaff a few times, they’ll still track but their missile will not.

If the missile is near, the “inertial guidance” will magically guide the R-27ER even if you change direction after avoiding a lock, or even killing your opponent. Like, you are outside the radar illuminator or not getting tracked at all and the missile still tracks when you change your path

Could be server de-sync or their radar was still beaming you briefly for the missile to get a track. (It’s still functional when their square is blinking). If you’re doing BVR properly the missile will be far enough out that turning around defeats it kinematically for the most part.

As things get closer, I wouldn’t even entertain them and I’d be on the deck skimming already.

Yeah, unless missile is within <10km range. then it keeps track of you.

no matter what, the onboard radar should be notched alongside missile when you are abeam to radar. im not sure if it is a bug in rwrs or spo-15 thing because when iam using N001 or N019 i get notched a lot but when i start to notch rwr just keeps screaming at me (both lock and launch, missile %99 misses).

Unless you are facing an F-16/15 in Su-27 or MiG-29 the reaction time is very narrow. ER is essentially range limited by the N001 and majority of experienced peope almost launch simultaneously (as soon as they are within tracking range).

you can either take the risk, crank and drop low hoping your missile will splash first

or turn cold (have to do it early because missile will track you at closer distances) / notch (stay defensive until wvr)

This, I’ve noticed these “magical active all aspect track” R-27ER since their introduction

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All radar missiles are technically all-aspect track capable. Especially in look-up scenarios. In fact, chaff is overperforming and missiles are underperforming when tracking from some aspects.

The R27 has inertial guidance, even if it looses lock, it will follow whatever maneuver you were in before the lock was broken. The end result of that is that once the missile gets within 1km its basically impossible to lose it

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Again… I am saying that in conditions where you are not being locked AND outside of radar illumination OR enemy player dead OR completely cold, whatever… The missile will guide magically for a few seconds, not only follows the initial predicted path from inertial guidance, but will act like it has self homing capability and track your aircraft even if you change course.

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Do you have an example of it doing this for us? Should be easy to test as your partner for testing can simply turn their radar off mid-guidance and we can observe the missile trajectory at that time.

That could work