Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Like the F-18

Thats not supermaneuvrability. Get off the F-18’s nuts already.

LMFAO dude shows a rapid pitch up. The F-4E can do this! Was this supposed to be a Cobra? It was definitely not a J-turn.

The Russians would laugh at this silly video. I am sorry.

should the pd radar of the su27 keep locking chaffs?

It should never lock chaff period. Chaff gives off what appears to the radar as clutter. It should look just as it would when attempting to track a target at low altitude in regular search pulse.

Should not matter if the doppler affect is used.

The radar should not receive a radar return as if it was a solid object as chaff is just a bunch reflective strips (confetti) dispersing the signal is all directions making a target picture/package unusable for missile guidance.

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yeah well…im kinda having a hard time using the r27ers (most of the times i use them at close range like 5 or 8km) cause ppl keep spamming infinite chaffs and i cant lock the plane at all, i only lock the chaffs, like bruh, i was playing better with the su27 only using ir missiles than with radar missiles lmao, cause now im wasting a lot of time trying to lock the damn enemy plane

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Bro, I stopped using the ER… Not with this current bunk radar.

i mean im used to this kinda of radar, it is the same as the 29 9.13 which i played a lot with, but the problem is that i cant get a lock in the enemy plane cause i keep locking the damn chaffs everytime xD

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Radar on Flanker is okay-ish besides the maximum lock on range at look down. I often get one kill out of 4 ERs. Go up, radar pointed at the enemy airfield, target high flying eagles, if there are none pick the highest guy and launch one or two ERs. before the merge launch one more in close range then switch to ET and Archers.

Locking on a guy in PD ACM is a bit annoying though, especially if the dude is in furball which often results radar locking on a chaff cloud. But this happens on pretty much every radar in the game.


I really want to beat this F-18 notion up that its supermaneuverable. ITS NOT.

Look at the silly video shared of the F-18, it is not even giving off vapor trails even at high angle of attack. additionally, before the rapid pitch up the droop flaps were already positioned downward for maximum wing camber.

This means the jet was flying DEAD slow. Any jet can do this and does not mean its supermaneuverable.

It was flying at around 200 knots 230 mph. It is a pointless demonstration. Every video you find showing the F-18 doing “OMG look how agile it is” is done at landing speeds because that’s what it’s good for… Carrier operations. It can never perform the same maneuvers at actual combat speeds as the Su27 and Mig29.

This jet is flying very fast here. You can tell by the massive amount of vapor being blasted from off the Flanker.


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Yeah, I suppose you are right it’s not too bad. But no FOV modes really sucks because you have to wait for the scan rate to pass over the target you really want to select.

I will try this tactic though you list. I do love the ETs but use them once the furball starts so I can catch someone 6 so the IRCCM has a better chance. However it loves friendlies more than anything out there.

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Is there no such thing on the market?



omg I want that one!

even just the cobra emblem too

What squadron was this?

New camo crate for this update isn’t out yet

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It says there…689 Guards IAP(Chkalovsk.September 2003)…


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I think the Russians do the shark faces best out of all nations imo.

Its very detailed. I love it.

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Just talking about wheels-up flight, the proportional command is fed to both the canard and elevon (green path) with equal distribution in the subsonic speed region, to reduce the control surface rates and enhance the redundant stability.

But the Integral command is only fed to the elevon (blue path), which uses g-command minus g-feedback as input. So the elevon is single-handedly responsible for auto trimming (1g hands off) and providing constant stick force per g. Apart from that, the canard and elevon basically uses the same proportional command and feedbacks to deflect accordingly.

This is how the PI control works in the JAS39.

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What I’m wondering, Su-30 basic (Su-27PU) with new radar but not sure change engine ?

Can anyone explain to me what the deal is with the Su-27’s radar? Some of you seem very knowledgeable about your planes, and I can’t help but feel that something’s wrong here.

I may not be knowledgeable about what the radar should track and hold lock under different conditions, but am I reading this right? Hangar says that it should have 80km range. But the radar scope won’t even let me move the cursor onto targets greater than ~60km, and that strikes a layman like me as a pretty SUBSTANTIAL red flag. It’s not that way on my Yak-141. Its radar also lists 80km on the stat card and it lets me use the cursor to select targets 80km away. The su-27’s radar detects targets ~80km away and paints them on the display, but I’m not allowed to select them until 60km.

I don’t know why I can’t select them if it’s detecting targets and painting them on the scope. I would very much like that extra 33% range so that I can inspect all of the returns from the enemy fighter-blob and improve my overall awareness of the battlefield BEFORE the missiles start flying.

I tried attaching a screenshot showing what I see in game, but the upload is failing.


Because detection radar and lock radar often are different devices using the same dish.