Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

In fact

UAC website from 2017 :)

Added this explanation to the bug report:

Older sources such as the 2005 Rosoboronexport brochure for (the export) Su-32 and a 2012 photo of a placard / show stand for (“the domestic variant of the”) Su-34, both list the same 1900 kph / 1400 kph (alt / deck) as maximum speed.

But those are the fake numbers, as the real aircraft speed was classified back then.

“United Aircraft Corporation” (UAC) which manufactures the aircraft, lists the aircraft performance specifications as “Classified” until Jan 2023:

UAC :: Су-34

This makes it clear that the older 1900 / 1400 (alt / deck) figures are fake … Because if they were real and present in the publicly and internationally available 2005 Rosoboronexport Su-32 export brochure (as well as the 2012 photo of the placard of the domestic Su-34 aircraft), there would be no reason for UAC to say “sorry we can’t tell you, it’s classified” in Jan 2023 …

Later, since around March 2023, the UAC started giving the performance specifications (and no longer listed them as “Classified”), which are provided in source number 2.

In essence … Seems like we have another “MiG-25 the highly maneuverable dogfighter” situation on our hands here …

here f-15 IRL vs WT:

(red line is its actual flight performance at sea- level, clean, 35000lb of weight)
Statshark adjusted so the f15 is at 35000lb as well

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Damn If that’s true then the su34 would be completely useless

If that was true why even use the su34 for ground strike if the su35 exists? Literally would be better en almost everything

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I dont think that is true, most likely it was stated as 1100km on deck due to trying to increase lifespan of both airframe and engine, like how Us did on F-14B.

Su-34 should have no problem reaching 1400km as primary documents states.

I dont know what kind of game he plays but i dont think he will success.

I also have serious doubts on it, like it would be a failure so big that it wouldn’t even be worth producing if they have better platforms for CAS


Exactly, the guy who made this report probably knows this but somehow decided to ignore it and trying to nerf Su-34.

Isn’t your source considering max weight of the aircraft? they say 38ton for the 1400 kph figure, if you add 7 more tons it’s a whole new aircraft

UAC really says 1100 kph without weapons


LOL (and WTF?!)

I shared all the sources and they are solid.

Let’s see if you have any source that says otherwise …

You guys must be really high up in military intel or something and know things that us peasants don’t … Because UAC’s website in 2017 says the aircraft performance specs are classified.

And older documents (2005 & 2012) specify the same fake 1900 / 1400 speed for both the export and domestic variants …

Three official Russian websites that are specifically related to this aircraft (Rosoboronexport in charge of exporting the aircraft, FSVTS in charge of cooperation with other countries regarding the aircraft, and UAC in charge of the manufacturing of the aircraft) list 1100kph in 2023-2025.

Some people tried to make different reports using Su-30MK data. Answer: It is different planes.

Well that’s not how it works

1- Su-34/32 was in development for a long time and suffered from lack of funding and pause in development like many other projects after the collapse of the USSR.

2- Why make B-21 if F-35 already faster?
That’s just not how it works …
Su-34 is a fundamentally different aircraft than Su-35

Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 are manufactured on different plants.

in terms of design and flight characteristics, they are no different.


Su-30MK(I,A,M), SM, SME have 1 planer with 0.5 differents

What bothers me is that some of these flankers with weapons loaded on them would be much faster than a naked su-34… What could make this plane go so slow considering they are based on the same airframe?

Not for Gaijin

just funny, because it must be just above envelope(due of engine trim), while in game it worser…

Su-34 has a VERY different air-frame …

Just because it somewhat looks like a flanker from some angle doesn’t mean it aerodynamically behaves like a flanker …

The planes have different shapes … Different sizes …
Su-34 is supposed to be a bit more comfy with a side by side two crew arrangement and for long missions … (It supposedly has a resting area behind the cabin where the crew can stand up and eat etc and the brochures even mention this)