Even for Su-30SM, I’m not claiming it’s the Vne (though it very well might be).
I was talking about maximum speed in level flight, but I was checking the speed for that one from statshark, since it’s not on live yet …
They differ in avionics IIRC
The airframe design is similar
The engine thrust curves have to be wildly different to account for such a drastic difference in speed … Possible in this case but I doubt it …
As for Su-34 vs Su-34E
It’s virtually impossible for the former to have a max speed of 1450 on the deck when the export version goes 1100 on the deck …
That information is inaccurate and most likely it pulls the speeds from earlier data during development before the aircraft was fully tested and went into serial production.
The speed information matches what is given in the 2005 Rosoboronexport brochure for “Su-32 export aircraft” …
And that’s besides that fact that in the game it goes even faster than these “early” development marketing numbers, which were probably made with the hope of finding export customers to fund the further development of the aircraft.
Either that, or they had to limit it later due to safety issues …
1- Change from 125kN to 135kN doesn’t make you go from 1100 kph on the deck to 1450 or 1400 kph.
Again, sorry, but that’s an extremely absurd claim. The math doesn’t remotely math and you don’t even need to know math to figure that out …
2- The 2005 Rosoboronexport brochure lists the same speed figures and seems like the 135kN variants of the engine weren’t even a thing back then: