Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection



@BBCRF, Do you know which IRST (OLS) the Su-30SM uses? 36Ш-01? 52Ш? 31Е-МК? Some other version?

Not quite. It uses code chunks from older versions of N001. They probably created the N011M config file about a year ago and used the N001 file as a starting point (at least for IRST stuff). Since then, the IRST on the N001 family has seen a couple changes due to bugs/historical accuracy, but they forgot to update the N011M to incorporate those.

The reason for lower detection range is that older N001 had 5 km all aspect detection range. After a report fix (still nowhere near the required fix, but whatever) it was bumped up to 6 km. MiG-29s did not get that fixe (that is correct). This is why the range of the N011M IRST is now the same as the MiG-29s.

Here are some code snippets to prove that (from my PM to Gunjob):


Hi, another copy paste issue to report.

The IRST on the N011M of the Su-30SM uses code chunks of the N001 that are at least 10 months old. As a result:

All aspect detection range and beam width use old values

N001 code from 2.35 for comparison:

Scan pattern have fewer bars and have wrong periods (Search is less dense, vertical ACM is much shorter) (Basically all IRST patterns in the `"scanPatterns"` block need updating)

There are are also some code fixes / refactors missing, but I do not know if they are significant


Would you want me to compile a report or is evidence of code chunks from old patches enough?

I tried to bug report it yesterday, but someone was closing my bug reports without even letting me edit them. Can’t use datamines for bug reports and don’t have sources on the Su-30SM, so now I am stuck because I need to find sources to report what is essentially a copy-paste mistake.

The same issue is now on the Type 1493. They copy pasted MiG-29’s IRST code instead of the N001. Likewise, since there are no sources, I can’t prove it to them that they messed up (well, a tech mod who would carefully read the report and not close it at the first sight of a mistake would be sufficient).

ОЛС 36Ш-01

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Thank you. It is this one, right?

Do you have any brochures stating that it is used on the Su-30SM? Or maybe a brochure with ranges? I want to used it in a bug report.

Oh, do you know what number ОЭПС it is?

There are no brochures

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Is ОЭПрНК-30СМ also called ОЛС 36Ш-01? Or maybe one is a part of the other?

ПрНК is a sighting and navigation system

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New bug report about Su-30SM HUD
Bug report

Kinda want them to add the ifr bar as a modification for cinematic purposes

it is not very cinematic to have training equipment in your cockpit imo

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They have them on during airshows quite often

as of They still haven’t fixed the canards and the slat edges


Seems like Manual engine control doesn’t work

Submitted a sloppy bug report lol

Алжир получил первые истребители Су-35

The description of the article is complete nonsense.Su-35SE does not exist

I think that’s the most infuriating thing about wt reports, it’s like they try very hard to find minimal mistakes in order to completely dump the report… This happened a lot during su-27 FM fix saga

Meh, probably just for “Su-35 for export” in jurno lingo and followed established naming (like Su-27SK or 30SME)

btw they nerfed the flanker fm again on the dev server
"SpinClloss” value got changed for all Flankers
and now they are all able to Wingstall/ Flatspin
and i am looking for sources rn to make a bug report

… so if anybody has anything about the Flankers behavior at high aoa, i would like you to send it to me so i can make a bug-report