Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I just explained that even if it does have full tank it will still perform better due to not carrying any sort of ordinance.

No one uses full tanks except for light aircraft like the F-16/MiG-29.Without weapons, yes, maneuvers are easier.

And I just told you that the su30 isn’t able to do that on min fuel in War Thunder


Have you tried with full real controls?

The su30 will just fall out of the sky


Then make a bug report, if its not accurate it should be fixed.

If you hang the missiles between the engines, their effect on maneuvers is almost zero.

With what sources

Do you have anything that isn’t classified?

Their weight and drag ratio will still effect the performance, even if its quite small.

if you can’t back up your claims with real proof then do not make them in the first place

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My guy im not here to fight, im just saying if you think something is wrong then it should be reported.

By all means i would like to see more accurate Flankers but if you dont have any source then sadly nothing can be done.

Due to the design features, their influence in this area is very small.

You failed to prove me wrong…
Then to not lose face you say that iam wrong unless I post some kind of document.

You said iam unable to understand physics and yet you can’t answer my question of why the su30 is gaining altitude.

Fair enough.

if you need more help please take some sort of middle school level physics class

Just answer my question how is it able to climb in that situation if not for a twr of 1 or higher

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Missiles under the wing and under the air intake create a significant effect.

the aircraft is still able to generate lift in such a scenario with canards and tvc

Yeah those are the main problems with combat loadout T/W ratio.

More lift than drag?