Hey guys good news, the datalink channels of the radar went from 4 to 8 :D
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
You should have just watched the video and then you would have seen the su30 climbing while having no speed and it’s nose pointed up
… It is almost like I posted that video for a reason
From what i have read they have advance a lot in GaAs and GaN. But even Byelka need a upgrade to GaN. By StealthFlanker calculations Byelka its as powerful as IRBIS (not a bad thing). But its a 13yo radar/tech. They are also researching ROFAR radars. But there is almost 0 new info on that.
Dunno how feel about this. With Su-30sm not been the best climber or R-77 state.
@unluckyg another one for the list ^^
Basic math. You take the thrust and divide it by the mass of the plane. Boom. Thrust to weight ratio.
it seems your understanding of physics is too poor to be making such claims from just a video
The enlighten me all knowing physics professor how does the su-30 climb there if not for a twr of 1
How does it generate lift at zero airspeed oh great professor
And ontop of that more lift while drag
the aircraft is clearly not at complete zero airspeed
the Su-30SM received no engine upgrade while being heavier than the base Su-27 model, a plane that doesn’t achieve a 1:1 TWR on full fuel loads in the first place
you trying to use this video to prove an even heavier aircraft that generates the same thrust should somehow have a higher TWR just makes you appear an imbecile
MB it is at 10 kph IAS surely it will generate enough lift at that speed
While having nearly 90 degrees of aoa
You do realize they dont use full tanks nor missiles on those shows right?
With min fuel Su-30 can do those kind of stuffs easily.
provide any source for this magic thrust increase on the Su-30SM
So now you want a source because you can’t prove my wrong?
Whatever like ppl have said multiple times the su30 uses a different fuel which makes the afterburner burn blue.
Different fuel equals different energy density.
Different energy density equals different amounts of thrust.
It is kinda funny calling me an idiot and now asking for classified information.
Lifting force
The Su-30 implements large angles of attack and high lift due to the TVС and canards
Fuel reserve for the airshow is 5200kg
Rezerve is something the amount of fuel that is used during shows are something.
Even if Su-30 uses full tanks it will still perform better compare to Combat load due to not carrying any ordinance.
5 tones is not full tanks
And ontop of that I cannot do that on minfuel in WT