Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

People usually take stand thrust and empty weight, then make a division thus getting high TWR numbers.

Rafale when it came out wasn’t a good rate fighter expect at Mach speed…

Still most aircraft of this gen are doing a whopping 20/21°/s in game overperformance has always been a thing.

Unless gaijin agrees to model FLCS instability and include proper limitations, aircraft like the Gripen, rafale, EF, F16, F15A will all have strange behavior.

Not including the fact that most flanker seems to overperform in energy retention at high speed…

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this currently but I have a very odd bug (bug report submitted) for the Su-30SM’s TGP slaving to the radar, in which if I attempt to track lock a vehicle, the TGP will force reset towards the radar.

Can anyone with other advanced aircraft (EF2k, Rafale, F-15E, etc) confirm if this is a bug for all aircraft with TGP slaving or if it’s just a Su-30SM issue?

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I experienced that, I assumed it was part of the IRST tracking feature. You get similar experience in the Su-39 when equipping the kopyo radar

Very odd, I assumed it is a bug because it only happens in specific circumstances when tracking targets under TGP, but not when you point lock the ground.

I did try the same thing on the Su-39 on the live server, and it seems to do similar things but, it won’t really do this specific issue (video below) where it would prioritize radar lock even when trying to get a fresh track lock:

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Not a bug.This behavior is intended.

It seems strange to me that you need to simultaneously track a target with your pod and track another target with your radar tracker

I mean, in hypothetical scenario, ability to track both would be useful as in: Tracking ground targets (and maintaining laser lock) while keeping an eye on potential air target which is just out of range for you.

Ofc such scenario practically impossible to occur, but still

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Seems like it after testing a bit on the live and dev on the Su-39. Kinda annoying because the way the TGP slaves to the TWS is really aggressive to the point that once there’s something on TWS, you can’t even look away. Makes sense in GMTI TWS mode but not sure if I like it on pure TWS

Not really, I usually leave the radar on TWS, even when CAS’ing for situational awareness, so I’m not intentionally trying to track ground and air targets at the same time.

I could turn the radar off, but I prefer to have the HUD show me any aircraft that happens to cross my nose. I could also just run it in SRC mode but that doesn’t give me instantaneous HUD information. I guess the happy medium is if there was some option to unlink the TGP to TWS, although I don’t know if this is realistic or a feature on actual aircraft. I do know the Su-34 doesn’t slave the TGP to the radar so finding this out was a bit jarring to me.

Anyways, thanks for helping me know if it was unintentional behavior or not


Also fun fact, the Su-34 has a bugged animated(?) targeting camera


You can track a ground target manually. I can’t imagine a scenario where you need two simultaneous automatic tracks

press stabilisation and you can move you sight

Not to throw a spanner in the works, but I have on occasion engaged an enemy CAS aircraft with AMRAAM while still guiding in my Brimstones on Typhoon. Its not something that never happens.

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you can do it, just press stabilisation and track ground target mannualy

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Let me explain:
I have the scope stabilization set to F and the reset to H

When I’m in the scope, if I press F when my scope is not on a radar capture target, the scope will shift to the captured target.

If I press F when the scope is looking at the captured target, I gain control of the scope.

At the same time, as I see, I can press F while pointing at another target and the sight will follow it (but the indication frame will not appear, which is probably a bug).

At the same time, if you have the stabilization point set, the radar will not move the sight itself when it catches a new target

If I’m 3-person, pressing F doesn’t move the stabilization point to the radar capture (I find this very convenient), but pressing H resets the aiming point and immediately puts it on the radar-captured target.

This way you can do whatever you want to do

I am actually pressing sight stabilization in the videos I posted, but it keeps resetting to the locked target on TWS

It seems like to me, that while on TWS slaving, this is what normally is supposed to happen when you press the sight stabilization key:
1a. Sight stabilization to ground
1b. Target track direct lock
2b. Target track lock with movement (this mode will limit how far you are able to move the gimbal to the original target, while tracking said target)
3. Unlock (3b. if TWS is on, this will force the TGP to default to the TWS lock)
Passive feature: The TGP will “remember” the last known location you 1a., or if you were in 1b. or 2b., it will default to the last remembered location

But the issue right now seems to be:
If do #1, then lose gimbal, then it starts acting in weird ways where I am unable to break free from #2b and #3b

The core issue being with sight stabilization is that I am unable to cycle between the three, or it will automatically go to #3b, hence why the TWS mode seems overly aggressive. But like I said, being able to unlink your TGP from TWS would alleviate this issue entirely.

Do you see in my video that I can track a different target?

Su-30 still has no HUD Markers as of new Also IFR Bar is still there

That’s only because you’re in mode #2b (Target track lock with movement (this mode will limit how far you are able to move the gimbal to the original target, while tracking said target) which becomes a major issue if your TGP decides to lock a plane much further away

In your video, the capture works freely as long as you don’t go outside the angles of the Shkval (veer heavily to the side).

I can suggest to the developers to make it so that the TGP capture does not reset when the radar is on if you go outside the TGP angles

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Yes, that was the issue I was addressing and I personally think it’d be nice if the targeting didn’t reset to the TWS outside of the shkval (or whatever TGP) angle, or it was much less forceful.

As CAS, you do pull a lot of evasive maneuvers that forces you to lose track lock, so I was a bit shocked when I found out that your lock doesn’t stay in place because it prioritizes slaving to the TWS radar.

But again, you and other users have made it clear that it was a feature that was already present in the live game so it is what it is until the devs decide to change or refine it.

I think it should work that way, since without radar lock your stabilization doesn’t reset when you turn away from the target

I’ll report on this, as well as a couple of interface flaws in this mode that I’ve noticed (no square around the target accompanied by TGP while you have a radar lock)

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