Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

You know what could fill perfectly on that patch before we get the Su-27SM? The mig-29m, its prototype could carry 8 R-77s which is the same amount of fox3 missiles that the F-15C could carry aswell. It has less chance of being added because it is a prototype, but there’s still hope

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I checked Wikipedia and it’s better in every way , but not by much , small improvements in every area almost , except radar.

Better radar warning
Better engines
More missiles
Digital cockpit

Can’t wait for this beauty

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Does it get improved engines compared to SMT? Or is it a boat like SMT?

Any other improvements compared to SMT?

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That’s the thing, it is light with improved engines and fbw system, it would perform better than the 9.12 or at least close to it

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radar is improved in SM series aswell N001V instead of regular N001, its necessary for the operation of R-77 series missiles

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What I meant is that in terms of range , tracking , searching , notch resistance ,it would be identical, no?

Extra flight controls equals more maintenance and failure rates. Radar cross section is greatly increased, pilot visibility obstructed.

Canards also greatly reduce the upgradability of avionics suite and future sustainability.

The Russians as well as the Americans know it is not feasible in the long run and 5th generation+ fighters.

They are worse in regard to all operations compared to thrust vectoring which is the simpler, more effective capability.

The Chinese were forced to resort to canards because they are unable to develop the 5th generation engines like that of the Russian Federation. J-20 is a 5th gen fighter with 4th generation engines. (for now). It needs all the assistance it can to operate on par in maneuverability to the SU-57 etc.

Very odd, contradicting comment.

Carnards greatly increase handling in low-speed conditions such as takeoff and landing it is ideal for STOL capable aircraft. Especially those from Sweden.

it is literally the reason the Su33 (Su-27K) have them. It’s ideal for carrier operations.

Another advantage is the greater dogfight performance at slow speed. The Su33 is also equipped with broader wings.

the negative aspect of canards is listed above. Additionally, canards induce more drag. Canards are literal forward wings and provide lift. The Su33 induces a lot more drag over the Su27.

ANOTHER reason the Russians rather use TVC. I agree with the Russians.

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range would be improved, cant say on tracking but considering the modern N010M ingame has the same notching as the N019 I’d say it would be the same in that aspect

The first versions of the Su-35 had a heavy headpiece, which shifted the center of gravity forward. In order to restore static instability, canard were installed. To shift the aerodynamic focus point.
Su-33 have canards


Not a Su-27 problem, it’s been discussed elsewhere in several history threads. The F-16 currently is very very heavily overperforming specifically at what it shouldn’t be great at. It has absolutely insane nose authority and high-aoa stability. It can beat god in a one circle. This is in addition to having its historical two circle dominance so it’s just impossible to beat against any pilot that knows anything about what they’re doing


IIRC the big problem for the Flanker’s canard variants was the extra weight they imposed, especially for how little benefit they provided. It was pretty much entirely a STOL measure, which is why the ramp-launched naval variant is the only one that went all-in on it.

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Su-47 and MiG-1.42/44 they won’t agree with you

you’ll notice those didn’t enter service

unfortunately these are projects from the 90s…

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When the USSR collapse happened , many great projects tragically got cancelled

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Q.: Some players consider the Su-27 Flanker performance to be meager.
A.: Since F-15, Gripen, and even MiG-29 are a quarter or even a third superior to the Flanker in terms of thrust-to-weight ratio with the same fuel times, current performance seems reasonable. At 50% fuel, it reaches 11-12G at 1,000-1,200 kph without any problems. There were certain issues in the mouse control mode we tried to solve, such as we reduced roll rate at low speed a bit, but other parameters, including the induced drag, seem to be true and in accordance with her technical data.

I’m a Russian blogger, I came to give you a Q&A

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Do you have a link?

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No, because it was sent to the channel for partners :)
But this is without NDA, we are allowed to use and copy Q&A topics from there

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what is the maximum lock on distance for the Su-27S? I can’t go past 35-40km range for some reason. Radar contacts are there but when i press lock on key radar cannot pick the target and returns to SRC.