funny thing is that the su-30 should have a twr over 1
funny thing is that the su-30 should be one of the best if not the best BFM fighter in the game
the su-35 should be alot better because of the AL-41
yeah its still sad that the flanker fm is still completly wrong even after the buff
because they didnt change it to the real life flanker fm but just decreased the drag and called it a day
IK but ppl are complaining exactly because of 1v1s, for me these are not relevant for the current meta but i understand that some want to have fun in custom matches, for that it would be interesting to fix the western overperforming aircraft.
That said i believe the su-30sm performance is more than enough to compete in current air rb meta…
the problem the sim comunity has rn is, that the su30 isnt contolable in full real anymore at slow speeds, it isnt really the flight performance itself but the handling
We can complain all we want about russian jets performing worse, it’s not the russian jets that are underperforming but the western ones that are overperforming…
That thing is super new to the game and it brought a new mechanic with it (TVC), knowing how lazy this company is it’ll take them a long time to make it reasonably close to reality, that’s why i said weeks before the update how messy this plane would be.
But talking about the other russian jets, they are much closer to reality than the western ones, specially the mig29 on which ppl swear to this day that it’s underperforming even though it matches all of the charts… Guess what happens when you put a correctly made vehicle against a fantasy ufo?