Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Harriers also have RCS jets throughout the fuselage.

Do they not cause the same change in pitch and attitude is what I should ask.

they buffed TVC on the Su30


Sorry for my ignorance on this, do these numbers bring the TVC similar to how it was when DEV opened?

I’m a bit excited to fly the su-30sm once it goes live, i only tested it without the fm improvements.

some of them might but i can say for sure that tvc is alot better for YAW now

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Well that’s good to hear, yaw was kinda hard to control in the dev :D

Just opened the dev and this appeared, cool I guess

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Did they open the dev server again?

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Dev is still closed, but maybe it could be opened again

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From the looks of it the HUD tint looks fixed even from the outside

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God damn ifr bar is still there

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Dev is open btw :D

Su-30SM still doesn’t have HUD Markers

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Su’s recieved flight model buff not to long ago, they are not as bad as they used to be.

Especially SM since it recieved better engines and additional 2 missiles.

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Worse engines than 27SM, better radar and missiles though

Also NCTR got nerfed, doesn’t show on the MFDs now. So useless in IFF (until gaijin adds IFF in STT)

He’s sayin previous Su models are still shit, i was explaining that not the case anymore for su27’s.

Su-30’s expected to be perform worse in VVR fight due to bein heavier and having worse engines, maybe Gaijin can change the engines in the future it Su30’s performance doesnt satisfy them.

I think its worth. At least you get to practice the TVC. And overall it should be better than 27sm. It also should be as good as Su-34 as a CAS plane.

there are ppl who are more interested in actual flight performance for 1v1 dueling and for that the su30 is the worst flanker variant

Lol what?