Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Eh, to be honest -12 aint such big deal. At least if we get actual ECM, might save some on shaff

Wonder how big of the chances for Su-37 as Soviet Rank 8 prem

Is not 27SM3 just SM with two more pylons, improved radar and R-77-1?

Same radar as the Su-27SM

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Su30sm2 would be better

I didnt made deeper research but Ruslet say that radar was improved. But it can be mistake.

Not as a premium, no


Yes, (minus the the radar) which makes it such a quick and easy fix! The two extra pylons + 77-1s would be absolutely amazing to have

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I mean the su35 is also going to have a MAWS
And depending on the version small laser turrets to burn out IR missile seekers

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TBH, I can’t expect these things to be added RN, but they could be nice in the future. Currently no MAWS even work, so I remain doubtful of the Su35 will have a functional one if added soon.

Does the 35 have them I know the 57 does.

yeah it has them they just reused them from the su35
let me try to find a picture of it

i was wrong, apperently the su-35m might get them


All good no reason for them not to have them going forward :)

We need the complete deufotization of war thunder


Su-35SM does not exist

Not sm only m like the mig29m

But yeah you are right it does not exist
Atleast for now

In your source it says SM. But even Su-35M doesn’t exist.

well what ever should have looked into it a bit more and seen that it is a hypothetical upgrade that dosent exist

Could be a confusion regarding the Su-35BM